SOTA Data base suddenly not accessible

To whom it may concern on SOTA MT

From one year back JJ1KVN cannot access to SOTA database although he could before hand. He is saying that suddenly his log-in has been banned and not accessible. He continuously claimed me, SOTA JA, and he is saying if this is continue he is rather than happy to delete all his account and logs before hand, so that he can start from scratch. Please let me know whom to ask this and who is handling SOTA databsae.


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His account is waiting for him to login and update his password. When he tries to login he will be forced to enter a new password. At the same time he needs to enter his callsign as he never entered this important information when he created his account.

I am actually in the work office in Edinburgh today rather than working part time from home so I cannot see what emails have been sent to him. But something will have been sent. As he has a gmail email address it will have been received. Whether it arrived in his spam or whether he ignored it, I don’t know. Unless I know non-English hams can speak English reasonably, I normally include a translation of the English contents made with Google translate,especially for Chinese, Japanese and Korean hams.


Thanks I will pass this to him.
Toru K

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Hi Toru,

As mentioned in my email, I have sent about 3 password resets to him since you first raised this so he just needs to try to log in and it should ask for a new password and he can go from there. I will resend another today.


Hi Andrew
Understood, I will let him know about this.
Toru K

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Hi Andy and Andrew
Thank you for your support. Finally this man could realize some mails has been sent from you, and could access. From now on, if you send the similar mail to these men in JA, please let me know as copy of the mail. Many of them are simply dealing as spam mail and continuously claim to me. Sorry about these lengthy treat.