SOTA Chaser - Worked All States?

Now this would be a challenge - especially from outside the USA/VE:

Chased all USA States on SOTA - i.e. One or more summit chased in all 50 USA states.

Has any Chaser achieved this?

73 Phil G4OBK

Hi Phil - I’m not sure there’s any summits in Florida, so it might be quite a challenge?

73 Jonathan

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Change it to “Chased by all 50 States”



AFAICT there are no SOTA summits in Kansas (as I am sure W0MNA and W0ERI can tell you), Florida, Louisiana or Rhode Island.

73 Eric KG6MZS

Oh well that settles it then Eric. Thank you for the information. This accolade is unobtainable!

73 Phil G4OBK


Worked all USA assoziations would be an option. Sounds like something for the new badge system on SOTAdata3.

But let’s give Andrew @VK3ARR some time before coming up with new challeneges.

73 Joe


Parks on the Air does that, with an easy to follow progress array type display.
Mike G0HIO

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Or Louisiana.

But overall an interesting idea.


One of my early amateur radio mentors when I was in 6th form college was a keen US county hunter. Last time we spoke (a few years ago) he was on his 5th time around and did it by working mainly portable and mobile stations. Shows it can be done.

So, other than lack of summits/associations in a particular area its eminently possible. Are we counting Hawaii?


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This sort of thing doesn’t really work from a chaser perspective. However, IOTA, WAC, WAS, DXCC etc can be done while activating.

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Hi Phil,
About a third of the stations I hunt are US stations. I don’t know how many states have been contacted so far, but I have contacted 3840 different summits in 280 regions. Including 4 regions in Hawaii, 4 in Puerto Rico and 1 in Alaska.
73 to all,
Chris F4WBN


I’d guess there would be a “high point” in every state, but don’t know if they would
be registered with SOTA. I have (I think) 46 states worked with SOTA activators.
I was also checking to see if I have all the 58 California counties with SOTA QSOs, but am still missing a few of those, too. I’ve got them all on HF, satellite, 2 meters, but not SOTA.
John, K6YK


One of my current SOTA goals is to “Work All States” SOTA to POTA. I don’t know of anyone else doing this. I live in Colorado, so when I’m done my spider diagram/map will have 50 lines on it. At one end will be 50 different/unique Colorado summits, and at the other end a POTA park in each of 50 states. I’m up to 33 states so far. The POTA folks seem get a kick out of finding out their QSO is with someone on a mountain, that many times is also in a POTA park (National Forest).

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