SOTA Calendar

It occurred to me the other day that a SOTA Calendar might be useful so that we can schedule all those special events in one place. There are various online calendars that we might use although having free-access might be a problem.

Anyone else have any thought on this?

73 Richard G3CWI

Absolutely, I agree. I miss the calendar that contains exclusively SOTA activities organized by the Association of SOTA (not individuals). Maybe it’s already late for 2014, but it would be useful to take over the coordination of MT.

73 de S58R - Rado

In reply to G3CWI:
I use a Google sheet for rostering operations of a special event callsign. It works fine, but is not in the normal format of a calendar. It does have the advantage of being flexible in format to suit the needs. And readily viewable on ios and android devices.

My calendar is viewable here as an example only: