SOTA + bluetooth keyboard + android?


in 9A, I’d love to do some WFF using my SOTA equipment. Although my paper logbook is close to being perfect :wink: , there’s always something left to be improved :wink:

Has anyone tried to use her/his android smartphone for that use case?

What’s the ideal combination of software and wirelessly attached keyboard?

I found Google Drive and Kingsoft Office which seem to be pretty useful.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a bluetooth keyboard?

I am using radio modes from ancient times, but I am doing this in the 21st century, so why should I still write it on a piece of paper and later copy it to my electronic log book, again? (Just kidding, I’ll of course be taking my paper logbook with me as a backup)

In reply to DL4OCE:
Amazing that there is still no 9A association

In reply to DL4OCE:

Hallo Arne.
Ich habe HamLog auf meinen Geräten installiert.
Den Gedanken eine BT Tastatur zu verwenden habe ich wieder verworfen.
Noch ein Teil mehr das Probleme machen kann…
Bei kaltem Wetter wollte das Ding nicht :frowning:

Für SOTA verwende ich mein altes 7 Zoll Samsung Galaxy Tab (allerdings mit Android 4.2) - diese sollten gebraucht schon sehr günstig zu haben sein.

Das Smartphone ist mir zu klein und das 10 Zoll Tab ist schon wieder zu unhandlich.

Der Adif Export vom HamLog bedarf allerdings auch noch einer Nachbearbeitung um es in die SOTA DB hochladen zu können.

Als Alternative könnte ich noch “Hamroid” vorschlagen

73 Jürgen OE4JHW

In english:

Hello Arne,
I use HamLog on my Android devices.
Also I tryed to use a BT keyboard but I discarded the idea.
Just one more item that could cause problems. My BT KB does’nt worked well in could conditions.

For SOTA Activations I use my old 7 inch Samsung Galaxy Tag (but with Andoid 4.2). My Samartphone is to small and the 10" Tab is to big and not very handy on the summit.

You need some postprocessing on the Adif export file of HamLog to upload it to the SOTA DB

You may have also a look on “Hamroid”.

73 Juergen OE4JHW

In reply to OE4JHW:

Moin Jürgen,

thanks for your reply!

What I like about the idea of using a “real” keyboard is the simplicity of the process: just enter “callsign” “rstrx” “rsttx” and so on which means you won’t have to even touch the screen.

That’s why I’d prefer a simple “Excel sheet” to a log book’s form: it’s very fault tolerant. Putting th evalue into the wrong column won’t do any harm to the data, and you’ll be able to correct this afterwards when reviewing your log.

You could also simply export a CSV and upload it to SOTA database and so on…

I’ve seen several keyboards including a stand for the smartphone, so you can always have a look at the screen and the phone won’t fall on the ground all the time :slight_smile:

In reply to DL4OCE:
Wasn´t there once some hype about a pencil with IR-cam and OCR-software to transfer handwriting into an electronic file? Only read about the usual quirks with such gadgets but maybe worth some resurrection for this special purpose.