SOTA as an extreme Sport

Hi SOTA-Friends

As some of you maybe know, my YL Carine, HB9FZC and I love to combine our activations with real big mountain-hikes - prefered in the Swiss High-Alps. It needs sportive training over the whole year to be able to activate real big summits as for example the “Stellihorn”, HB/VS-100. So that Carine and I will be ready for such great adventures, it was becoming nessecary now to make a first fitness-test: So we started Wednesday, 5.June from the village Erlenbach in the “Simmental” on 750m a.s.l. to activate the “Cheibehorn” HB/BE-148, the “Stockhorn” HB/BE-103 and the “Lasenberg” HB/BE-141. On the first two summits we used the KH1 and activated in CW only on 20m and 40m, because we didn’t want to loose too much time - it worked great :grin: On the third summit it was our goal to work also some DX - We brought up HB9NBGs Clever-Whip Kit in Place and could work some US-East- and US-Westcoast-states as well as Japan and some European stations on 17m in CW with the KX2 - that setup works really awesome :nerd_face: At the end we hiked 24km and made an elevation of 1’930m in the accent and the same in the descend. We were in move 7hrs and 6mins :astonished:

Now, come with us and enjoy the the awesome SOTA-activation…

hpe cu soon on-air agn :nerd_face: :nerd_face:

vy 73 de René, HB9NBG + 73/88 de Carine, HB9FZC


Bravo Ihr zwei seit ja Super drauf.
Hoffe Trotzdem euch wieder mal S2S zu Arbeiten Das Mikro nicht Vergessen.
Bis zur Ham Radio 73
IW3AGO Heini


Hallo Heinrich

Ja, das Mikrofon ist immer mit dabei, und hin und wieder sind wir auch in SSB QRV :nerd_face: Die Bedingungen sind allerdings schon ziemlich strange im Moment :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Wir werden wieder am ELECRAFT-Stand sein zusammen mit Eric und freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen mit Dir :grin:

vy 73 de René, HB9NBG + 73/88 de Carine, HB9FZC

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I activated the “Cheibehorn” HB/BE-148 today, but I have to admit that I caught the cable car!!



The best time, from minute 12:40, hydration is essential :rofl:
73 José


Hi Colwyn, We’ve seen your spot - but unfortunately a little bit too late to chatch you on-air :smirk: We really were waiting for your spots on the other 2 summits as well :sweat_smile: …but hope to hear you soon again - at latest in our bif SOTA-Summer-Break :grin: Or maybe see you in Friedrichshafen? Carine and I will operate the both of ELECRAFT together with Eric :smiley:

vy 73 de René, HB9NBG


Hi José, thanks for coming back on the second summit :nerd_face: Your signal is always tremendous :grin: …and yes, the first sip of cold beer after the tour is always great :yum: :beers: …a SOTA-Tour without a cold beer at its end would be like a hiking-tour without a SOTA-activation :upside_down_face:

hpe cu agn es vy 73 de René, HB9NBG + 73/88 de Carine, HB9FZC


Hello Rene! I was surprised to be able to hear you from Lasenburg!
There have been no hearable European SOTA signals for a long time
at my QTH in California. I was expecting that you were running maybe
50 watts or more. Great work with the QRP!
73,John, K6YK


Yes, I deserved your response, but I was quickly back down in the valley to avoid the thunder storm, and I had activated them both before in September 2022.

Sadly I’ll not be in Friedrichshafen.



Hi John! Yes, that was a great DX-activation :grin: we were very surprised, that it worked in both diections on 17m; to JA and to you in California :nerd_face: We launched HB9NBGs Clever-Whip Kit in February of this year; first our goal was to create a DX-antenna for 10m only, but as it worked great, we have developed it into a multiband version, with which we have already been able to work all continents with 10W - both in CW and even in SSB :grin: We could hear you already on your very first call, but with a lot of QSB, and there was a huge Pile-Up :astonished: So we were very happy, that it finally worked anyway - thanks very much for your patience :nerd_face:

Hope to meet you soon again on one of our next SOTA-Activations - maybe next time Carine will be the lucky one :+1:

vy 73 de René, HB9NBG


Oh yes, I think, that was a good decision, because with the wx, that we have at the moment, you never know, when the next rain-shower comes up :cold_face: Well done! That’s a pitty, that you’re not at the HAM RADIO :smirk: But maybe we’ll meet someday on a summit :nerd_face:

vy 73 de René


BTW: Here’s the Map with the QSOs, that we’ve made at this day:


Nice! I love this type of SOTA. I activated Granite Peak, Montana a few years ago. I did the whole thing in about 20 hours. 27 Miles, 7,000 feet of elevation gain plus a few hundred feet of 5th class rock climbing. I am now in Alaska and have plans to do it even bigger. Awesome stuff on the activation, its not fun unless its dangerous =]


Hi Rob

Wooow, that sounds great :sweat_smile: That is a tremendous lenghts of hike :astonished: 5th class rock climbing is at least one step too big for us :sweat_smile: Our skills in climbing are limited in class II, but it’s fun anyway on SOTA-activations in this class :grin:

We look forward to read from your big adventures in Alaska and hope to meet you some day on a S2S :+1:

vy 73 de René, HB9NBG + 73/88 de Carine, HB9FZC


Fantastic set of activations and a great video!


Hi Gerald and many thanks for your compliments :nerd_face:

hpe cu soon on a S2S :grin:

vy 73 de René, HB9NBG + 73/88 de Carine, HB9FZC