SOTA Activations Through the Year Rollover

We capped off 2019 when Joel KC4WZB and I activated 5 summits in a single day - the last one being a double activation through the rollover of the year at 0000 GMT. We camped up on the summit of Grassy Bald W4G/HC-007 in near freezing temperatures and kept warm inside our tents while waiting for the rollover. It was quite an adventure as we were under a time crunch. We activated the first two Dyer Mountain W4G/HC-009 (a bushwhack) and Flat Top Mountain W4G/HC-006 completely through VHF FM contacts on simplex 146.52. We then proceeded to a couple of 10 pointers W4G/HC-001 Cowpen Mountain and W4G/HC-003 Bald Mountain. We were done with 3 summits by noon since we headed out before daylight.

We had some great photographs of the sunset over the Cohutta Wilderness in northern Georgia while on the summit of Grassy Mountain W4G/HC-007. We hiked 10 miles for the day, extremely tired but happy. We also had a great view of the night sky with Orion being very bright and dominant.

I think we may have set the mark for the most summit points in a single day in the history of Summits on the Air. - 59 points. Is there a way to find out whether this is indeed a record of some sort? (The rollover activation is not included in the points total. For the local calendar day we had 70 points)

Ariel NY4G

Not even close with 59 in a day! The record was set on 10th March 2007 by DH7WW and DK4WP with 147 points gained on 13 summits. Of course in those days there were 1000s of summits in Germany which had been added to the database in error where they had the incorrect prominence.

Date Own Callsign Summit QSOs Points Bonus Points Total
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-001 (Fichtelberg) 30 10 3 13
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-002 (Auersberg) 21 10 3 26
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-004 (Bärenstein) 20 10 3 39
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-008 (Pöhlberg) 18 8 3 50
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-011 (Scheibenberg) 16 8 3 61
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-021 (Greifensteine) 19 6 3 70
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-100 (Oberbecken) 18 8 3 81
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-113 (Ochsenkopf) 8 8 3 92
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-114 (Morgenleithe) 12 8 3 103
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-115 (Rabenberg) 9 10 3 116
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-142 (Franzenshöhe) 17 6 3 125
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-204 (Schatzenstein) 18 8 3 136
2007-03-10 DK4KW/P DM/SX-205 (Liebenstein) 6 8 3 147
Date Own Callsign Summit QSOs Points Bonus Points Total
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-001 (Fichtelberg) 30 10 3 93
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-002 (Auersberg) 21 10 3 106
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-004 (Bärenstein) 20 10 3 119
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-008 (Pöhlberg) 18 8 3 130
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-011 (Scheibenberg) 16 8 3 141
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-021 (Greifensteine) 19 6 3 150
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-100 (Oberbecken) 18 8 3 161
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-113 (Ochsenkopf) 7 8 3 172
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-114 (Morgenleithe) 12 8 3 183
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-115 (Rabenberg) 9 10 3 196
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-142 (Franzenshöhe) 16 6 3 205
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-204 (Schatzenstein) 18 8 3 216
2007-03-10 DH7WW/P DM/SX-205 (Liebenstein) 6 8 3 227

Thanks for the info - wow 147 points in a single day. Are those all drive ups?

Ariel NY4G

What was the highest ever points per day by a North American activator?


Ariel NY4G

Probably some where drive ons and some had little or no elevation change.

For users with a home association in North America

KE5AKL with 78 on 2014-dec-01
K0MOS with 65 on 2014-feb-15
W0CCA with 60 on 2014-may26

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I don’t think it is entirely appropriate to say “in error”. They were OK by the rules of the day. I distinctly recall that whilst the UK associations had chosen to use a prominence rule, other associations were free to use other criteria for the inclusion of summits, one of which was “named on a generally accepted map”. The strict requirement for all associations to work to P150 or P100 came later.

With the benefit of hindsight it was a mistake, but it wasn’t an error at the time.


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