SOTA activation from A6 – United Arab Emirates – for the very first time

Dear SOTA community

We are planning to activate the summit A6/SH-011 (Jabal al Uwayyin) tomorrow on Saturday, 4th February 2023. The licences are awarded and all necessary permissions are granted. Our schedule plans an activation of 2 to 3 hours, starting around 7h00 UTC (+ 4h for local time here in UAE).

We will be qrv in different modes mainly from 10 to 30 meters if bands allow. For 20 meters we want to use a delta loop antenna, for the other bands a simple endfed aerial. All antennas are homemade.

One friend would like to try SAT-contacts via QO-100. Another one will use DMR.

For shortwave the transceiver is a KX3 with a small amplifier with 45 watts.

Please check the cluster for more informations. GSM coverage should be guaranteed, hi.

We are looking forward bringing you into the log.

On behalf of the whole activation team
Andy, A65/HB9JOE


Good to get you S2S on 10m today Andy.


Yesterday I did an activation in the afternoon with the aim of doing a S2S with you. When you guys started on 14Mhz I didn’t hear the slightest signal. But on the other hand, the 24Mhz signals were quite good, however, there was a station a few hertz above you and the pileup and the signals of those who called were so strong that they did not allow me to hear your signals.
A real pity…

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Sorry to have missed you. I did work A68A/P (Emirates Amateur Radio Society) at 11:34 on QO-100 so got a new grid.

73 de

Andrew G4VFL

I was extremely pleased to work you Andy as I only have a 40m dipole at home. My intention was to put up a vertical specifically to work you, but family commitments prevented this. Many thanks for putting on the activation. :grinning:

73, Gerald

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