Sorry Tom, M1EYP/P G/WB-004 Error

Tom, and those 7 of us who worked him on his last summit of 13/03/13, I have just noticed an error.

Whilst checking for confirmations of summits in my chaser log I noticed one missing for G/WB-005. When I checked Tom’s log he has me down as a G/WB-004 contact at 1415, the first one of his log of 7.

I spotted Tom immediately after this contact and I guess I must have got it wrong, I’m not sure if it was blatant stupidity or I copied a previous spot from RBN or the summit before.

Checking other chaser’s logs there are others who have followed my lead and claimed G/WB-005 (PA0SKP, HB9BYZ, S52CU, DJ5AV & DL7URB), when it should be G/WB-004.

Very sorry Tom and chasers, I’ll try harder next time.


In reply to MM0GYX:

Just an addition, whilst checking the other 6 chaser’s logs to clear up my error here, I noticed someone had the wrong summit for an activation I made on the 15/03/13, I checked the last 72 hours of spots and thankfully didn’t get that one wrong. So it seems I’m not the only one to have a moment from time to time.


In reply to MM0GYX:

This is probably because I hadn’t alerted for G/WB-004 at this time, so the RBN assumed I was still on G/WB-005. I switched several of my intentions on this day after setting off from home, so the alerts were wide of the mark by the time I was on the summits.

This can happen for all sorts of reasons, like getting ahead of or behind schedule, or changing your mind about the day/order (like I did here). Therefore, it is always imperative that chasers listen when the activator is announcing his/her summit reference. Never rely on the RBN auto-spots. And, indeed, never rely on another chaser’s spot as they might have it wrong (like in this instance).

I sincerely hope that the Chief Pedants of Pedantshire (G3CWI and M0HGY) don’t see this thread, as they may now insist that I’ve only really got one valid QSO from this activation, and therefore no points! Now I know why Mickey prefers to make 200 contacts in an activation… :wink:


In reply to M1EYP:

Now I know why Mickey prefers to make 200 contacts in an activation… :wink:

But you don’t need to know his summit either. You log each successive chase with him as SP-004, SP-013, SP-004, SP-015 and loop back to SP-004. Every 5 loops throw in a WB-005 or such. You’ll be right most of the time!



In reply to M1EYP:

“I sincerely hope that the Chief Pedants of Pedantshire (G3CWI and M0HGY) don’t see this thread, as they may now insist that I’ve only really got one valid QSO from this activation, and therefore no points!”

Oops, it looks like a conspiracy now, it’s not Tom, honest!