Sorry to all who don´t made into my log today

Hi all,
a big sorry to all who don´t made it into my log on dm/bw-168 today.
this week i working nightshift and after breakfast at 1200utc :wink: i´m
decided to do a bit sota on a local summit to relax from work.
the wx forecast was bad, but in moment of setting alert the sun was shining.
in beginning of antenna setup big clouds coming up and after the first contacts on 40m cw the first thunder was to hear.oh yeah, storm is coming up :wink:
after 40m ssb i decided then to make some calls on 17m to give dx a chance to work me before quick qrt. not so good, 17m was vy bad at this time. only 3 qso´s on cw. on 40m i can´t work stations who are under s5/s7 due to the strong qrn of the near thunderstorm over the black forest.after the first really loud thunder i go qrt quickly then. so, sorry again for this vy short activation !

but i have a princip ! after being a few times the heighest point on a summit at a t-storm in my early sota years, i will never do it again … its no fun :slight_smile:

but i done 45 qso´s in abt. 30 minutes. 42 qso´s was om 40m cw/ssb. that are 1/3 qso´s in comparison to a multimode/bands activation in much less time needed. much more efficient :wink:
in future i will set in the alert box if its a quick or multiband activation.
at a quick activation i prefer the fast qso style as in contests. not everytime i have freetime to beeing 3 hours on a summit to work all bands and modes. so i will mix then 40m ssb/cw with and an higher band at example.
at my multiband activations all stay at it is. work every possible chaser on all bands and modes :slight_smile:
i hope thats ok for all of you !

vy 73 es cu on the summits

Klaus DF2GN

In reply to DF2GN:
Many thanks Klaus for new next summit in difficult wx conditions (thunder storm).
Best regards de Robert SP8RHP Vy 73!.

In reply to DF2GN:

Hallo Klaus,

many tnx for the fb QSO.
Good to know you are save back home (or at work…hi)
We had vy heavy thunderstorms in HB9, the strongest around Bern-Thun.

Hope to cuagn soon es vy73

In reply to DF2GN:
Hallo Klaus !
It was the same fr me yesterday 1st May ! I arrive on the last summit of the day (4th) and i put my antenna v-inverted on the big cross ! (thanks god) and as soon as i was ready to qso, it began to be stormy, and clouds arrived very quickly ! so i have done few qso only and escap as possible as i could !!

i do not play with mother Nature !!
