Sometimes an easy 1 pointer is just the ticket! - G/SE-003

Just a few words to say many thanks to all chasers and fellow activators for the contacts on Blackdown, G/SE-003 this morning.

Blackdown is my second closest summit and a fairly easy drive from my home to the car park, from where’s it’s a nice twenty minute walk through some woods and then heathland.

In contrast to some rather cold, damp and windy activations in South Wales recently, my plan today was to enjoy a longer more relaxed style activation, in less extreme weather. Whilst it was an largely overcast morning, the temperature was more than pleasant enough for an extended stay.

I used the Super Antenna MP1, paired for a change with my ICOM 7100 as I fancied running a little more power (I used around 30W). I don’t normally use this rig on activations, but I knew the walk from the car wasn’t too far or taxing.

I had an enjoyable and leisurely 90 minute activation, which yielded 33 QSOs on 40, 30, 20, 17 & 15, using a mixture of SSB & CW. This included 5 S2S QSOs. No remarkable DX, but a nice mix of familiar and new call signs. Thanks all!

This activation was a timely reminder to me that there is plenty to be said for a visit to an easy 1-pointer. It is nice to accumulate points, especially in winter bonus season, but sometimes it is just as nice to enjoy something a bit closer to home and a more relaxed style of operating.

73 all, and don’t neglect your local humble 1-pointers!

Matthew M0JSB


Hey 1 points add up. I’m proud of my 123 points so far. Most is 1 pointers and that’s just the ticket!! Good luck on your Summit activation. de KC2BPP


They sure do!

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11 of my 12 local summits in G/SC are 1 pointers … so I don’t have any other choice :thinking:


Indeed! It’s the same for me as I live in G/SE land! I have started venturing further afield, partly for variety, and partly for the chance to get some more points, but today was a nice reminder for me that it doesn’t all have to be about the points! Sometimes less is more. 73…

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Totally agree, one of the benefits of SOTA is that it has introduced me to many lovely little 1-pointer walks that I might otherwise have ignored.

As for the local 1-pointers - they have the advantage of allowing me to maximise sleep time before an early VK-EU S2S attempt!


Nice report, Mathew,
" The journey of a thousand points begins with…"




I totally agree!
When I started activating, it was all about the points and achieving MG. But now it is all about the summit, not the points. The fun, the joy, the beauty, and the challenge and difficulty of the activation does not correlate with the assigned points. I guess all activators know this.
My most enjoyable activations have been 1-pointers, and the most difficult summit for me was a 1-point summit too.


Hi Matthew,

I listened for you on 40m, but could not hear you despite you running a bit of power. Conditions were somewhat strange. It’s a long time since I activated that summit, but your photos were as I remembered it. As for local summit… some of us unfortunately don’t have one. My nearest is a 100 mile riund trip. :hushed:

73, Gerald


Hi Gerald,

Thanks for listening out for me yesterday, and sorry we didn’t make it. Conditions on 40m didn’t seem the best when I was on, at least compared to recent activations. There was a lot of QSB on the G stations I did work. Hey ho, it’s all part of the fun and frustration of radio!

Yesterday was a good reminder to me to be grateful for what you have. I have a feeling that I’d started to slightly overlook my local(ish) G/SE summits as “only” 1 pointers, and as you point out, many activators are not so fortunate as to have anything within easy reach.

73, and hope we manage to work next time we find ourselves by a radio!

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My closest 1-pointer is about 9 miles down the road from my QTH (W0C/FR-092). However, it is probably one the hardest 1-pointers in Colorado! It involves a 3.6 mile RT hike with 2000 ft vertical gain. It also involves a short low class 3 scramble to top out at 7881 feet (shown below).

It’s well worth the effort to activate even though you don’t get rewarded with higher points!
73, Brad


Wow, that makes me feel like a lightweight! :rofl:

It makes me feel slightly ill.

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