Something different - Tikaboo Benchmark W7N/LN-058

For those with a full licence who like going overseas and fancy something a bit different, and you don’t fancy DL/EW-001. How about a trip across the pond to activate Tikaboo Bench otherwise known as Tikaboo Peak, it has only ever been activated once but you will most likely have seen this summit at some point on TV as it is the closest you can get to see Area 51 aka the Nevada Training & Test Area at Groom Lake.

As you will have probably seen the whole area is off-limits to civilians and is patrolled by armed security known as the ‘Camo Dudes’, go too far and you will likely be picked up by these guys and then be arrested by the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department who will issue a $800 fine per person.

There are several SOTA peaks in the test area which will never be activated like Bald Mountain W7N/LN-00 an 8 pointer as it is in the off-limits area, people who have camped out at night on Tikaboo have not only seen strange lights over at Groom Lake airfield but also there is a very bright light on the summit of Bald Mountain. The summit of Tikaboo has a US Defence Department automated weather station which is also fitted with CCTV.

Bald Mountain


What’s special about DL/EW-001?

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which will never be activated like Bald Mountain W7N/LN-00 an 8 pointer as it is in the off-limits area

Well, you certainly wouldn’t want to spend a night on there… :wink: