Snow and joy on Monte Ginepro I/LZ-009

I have the pleasure of recounting here a splendid day of radio & mountain spent yesterday. Together with three friends we decided to leave the classic areas where we go walking and chose the Ernici Mountains which are located on the border between Lazio and Abruzzo and about 2 hours’ drive from Rome.

The mountain chosen is Monte Ginepro I/LZ-009 2004 meters high and never activated in Sota. The climb was very long, over 3 and a half hours of walking, with the last hour all on snow which was quite soft and melted. Very hot day then we all went up in t-shirts as if it were already spring.

Once at the top I set up my fishing rod (with the Sota flag) and made 19 SSB and CW QSOs with 5 S2s using 20 and 30 meters. Practically perfect day, for the return we took a circular route in order to activate the splendid Campoli meadow around 5.30pm when the sun was starting to shine.

In total, over 6 hours around the mountains with the right amount of tiredness but also enormous joy. The photos alone tell it all.

73 de IW0HK Andrea