SMP pages updates

Following some good suggestions received a few days ago from Simon G4TJC for possible improvements in the SMP, the following changes have been made to a couple of pages.

In the main page, there is now a context-menu for the main list on the left-hand side of the page:

This context-menu appears on a right-click on a table row, and allows the user to:

  • highlight the chosen summit in the map (also achieved by a simple left-click on the table row);
  • jump directly to the tracks page, which will load with the corresponding summit - this option is, of course, dependent on there actually being a user-defined track existing for that summit in the SMP system;
  • view help for the page.

For the tracks page, it is now possible to call the page with a GET-field in the URL to load a summit directly on page-load. Here’s an example which loads the summit DL/BG-065 directly:

This change also allows the tracks page to be called directly from a blog, or from summits-listings from within SOTA/SOTAWatch summit pages. If you see value in the latter option, you might wish to take it up with somebody in the SOTA MT - best of luck with that…

Also in the tracks page is a new download button (above the table on the left-hand side) which makes it easier to download a particular track, or set of tracks, for a particular summit.



great, i was waiting for that :smile:

just added the links to the OE/OO-XXX summits i already visited.

73 martin