Skip on 40 seems short today

DL and ON were very strong today, but HA was marginal, even S5 (Milos) was weak, nothing hrd from F5HTR.

In reply to LA5SAA:

I was hearing Gs & GMs working DL3SBA as close as 200km at good strength. The critical freq was up near 6Mhz but is now dropping again.

In reply to LA5SAA:
WKD ON/LX1NO/P (ABT 2000 km far from me), but not sure for 2nd activation of DL5WW/P, who was much closer. Sigs are very weak and readable only on peaks. Condx really seems to be worse than yesterday.
Right now nothing from ON/LX1NO/P. It is just not my day :).

In reply to UT4FJ:
Norby is 599 in LA right now.
But conditions is most important.That’s how it is.
Good luck, and hope to see you from SOTA in April or later :wink:

In reply to UT4FJ:
Hi again.
I heard a strong UT4 working DL5WW/p at 12:03 UTC, I think it was you. I am not sure because I have a lot of local QRM in my shack right now (xyl, daughter and 4 dogs, is nice, but I could not concentrate), but if it was you, you were 579, while DL5WW only was 559 now. Condx change all the time.

In reply to LA5SAA:
Yes, I WKD DL5WW/P (steady about 539 in some noisy city conditions) at 12:05 according to my log, but I have 100 Watts into a dipole @ 40 m high. So, we should have some difference ;).

73! Alex

P.S. Unfortunately, can’t see the exact position at Google map because of database problems. DL5WW/P comes louder here, he is still QRV.

In reply to UT4FJ:
Fine, congrats, very nice antenna, mine is only 13 m high.
Anyway, thanks for chatting, Alex, and the SOTA community may forgive me.

In reply to LA5SAA:
No reasons for any envy :wink: - just a piece of wire amongst city buildings. Have to have some better for SOTA hunting from the current position - a very big level of different urban ‘QRM’.

In reply to LA5SAA:
Hello Mike, All 3 Summits in my Log. Hard job today in cw. Temp. 0 Degr. C.
30 Min. on DM/RP-410, 50 Min. on RP-445 and 50 Min. on RP-443.
Best Regards