Short SOTA "raid" EA1/LR-039 & EA1/SO-010

Good -but short- SOTA weekend: rain, cold and wind but 2 new summits & regions!

Thank to all chasers & S2S’ers (and to Oier for his patience), and sorry for so short activations. The 500km trip deserved it!

73 de Mikel

In reply to EA2CW:
Nice SOTA trip, Mikel. Amazing the dinosaurs size compared to you!
Shame I didn’t catch you on any of your activations, but you know the story. Little chasing these days… At least I managed to activate again San Cristobal (EA2/NV-119) on Saturday and Larrogain (EA2/NV-041) today, which is more than enough to calm my SOTA fever.
Both were on 2m FM only, as I was constraint by the clock, as usual…
Thanks for the report and the pictures.
Best 73 de Guru - EA2IF

In reply to EA2CW:

thanks for the very nice report and pics.
A joy to do such activities with Oier, what a brave kid!

Ignacio EA2BD

Despite the short time activating, I was able to work Manu EA2DT and Jorge EA2LU who arrived -both- quite strong.
OTOH, I think Oier will prefer better condx in summer to be around the summit investigating the natural life. Hard work answering all his questions while keying! :wink:
73 de Mikel