SFI Rising Again

I see that with the appearance of the large sunspot AR1711 the SFI has climbed out of the doldrums. It is currently at 120 and rising. Time to check out Ten again!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Of course it’s rising Brian. The sky is blue here, there’s no wind, it’s ideal hill weather and the SFI is on the way up. Sounds like good conditions for SOTA. Which means one thing, I’m back at work after a few days off!


In reply to MM0FMF:

Aaah! :wink:


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:
Hello Brian,


Looks lively today.

Mike G6TUH

In reply to thread:

SFI has climbed to 142, looking at the distribution of sunspots etc this may well be the peak and a gradual decline will set in. Anyone for ten? :slight_smile:


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Any chance of a bit of action on VHF, Brian? Looking at Hepburn this morning the prediction is pretty glum :frowning:

73 Mike

In reply to G8ADD:
Hi Brian;

Just listening to AP2IA in Lahore Pakistan (28.47986)also hearing Asiatic Russian stations calling him otherwise just European activity.

Been hearing QRP cw stations on 14.062 for the last few days but no SOTA cw activity until last night when I worked Barry N1EU/P who came straight back to my first call and gave me 579 which is good going for my antenna.

73 de Ken G3XQE

In reply to 2E0YYY:

I have found Hepburn rather unreliable in the past, Mike, but he is probably on the money today! The forecast charts indicate that the high over Scandinavia will build up a bit towards the weekend but I doubt that anywhere south of mid Scotland will benefit from that. However, it isn’t all gloom, sporadic E openings have been reported from further south - they will affect ten first before six shows any signs of life and may be involved in the activity on ten that Ken reports.

Nowadays for me the real VHF action is on six in the Es season - it is sweet to hear that band full of tumult, but not much SOTA happens!!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Robin GM7PKT is a keen activator on 6m. However, he’s the wrong distance for you for SpE unless you can get him on backscatter from a particular strong E cloud. He’s also not going to be too good on tropo because if there’s tropo on 6m then the 4m/2m/70cms/23cms tropo is going to be much better!

You need to pay some activators in EA, CT, S5, HA, YO, I, 9H1, SV etc. to take some 6m gear with them from May to July :slight_smile:


In reply to MM0FMF:

I listen for Robin but as you say, its an awkward path for six - he does interesting summits so its a pity for my efforts at completing regions and associations that he abandoned 60m, but it would be great to get him on six!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G3XQE:

until last night when I worked Barry N1EU/P who came
straight back to my first call and gave me 579 which is good going for
my antenna.

I thought it was going to be a bit late for transatlantic qrp at 2000Z on 20M, but I worked HB9BQU, EU4DX, G3XQE and HA8WZ, all having strong signals - stronger than the USA callers. When I checked my RBN spots, I had a massive amount of spots from Europe with good signal strength. Condx were unusually good. I was running a KX3 to a 44ft doublet strung as an inv Vee with apex only abt 4.5M off the ground and ends at 1.5M high, on a relatively flat summit.

73, Barry N1EU

In reply to G8ADD:

I have found Hepburn rather unreliable in the past, Mike, but he is
probably on the money today!

Agreed, Brian. Certainly blows hot and cold.

The SFI is now up to 146 so maybe I’ll take a look at 15m, if I can get out for a couple of hours tomorrow.

73 Mike

In reply to 2E0YYY:

SFI is up to 154 and climbing, time to check 10 and 12 again!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Also starting to hear Sporadic E on 10m most days.

In reply to G8ADD:

Just in time for my activation on Friday :slight_smile:

Thanks to whoever ordered this!

73, Colin, M0CGH

Looks like I spoke too soon! The sun seems to be having a bit of a tantrum. I think I had better take my 2m handheld with me tomorrow!


In reply to M0CGH:

Looks like I spoke too soon! The sun seems to be having a bit of a

Yes, some of the worst HF condx I’ve experienced in the past few months yesterday at 1900Z during my activation. I didn’t get a single RBN spot on 20/17M and very meager RBN spots on 40/30M.

73, Barry N1EU

In reply to N1EU:

Hi Barry;

I copied three VK’s working a Polish Station this morning, one of which was a mobile on 14MHz SSB at 06:15 UTC.

I am only using a trap dipole at 6m height.

May be a chance for some DX for todays activators ???

73 de Ken G3XQE

In reply to G3XQE:

I hope so Ken!

Just on my way up Penyghent with two SLABs and an FT857. Phew!

73, Colin

In reply to M0CGH:

Look like you have been taking lessons from 2E0YYY Colin.

Enjoy your SOTA birthday party.

73 de Ken