Seeking advice, suggestions for Montenegro activations

Hello all,

I’ll be hiking in Montenegro with my SO in June. We’ll be spending time mostly in National Park Prokletije, Durmitor National Park, and around Podgorica.

I’m searching the reflector for prior activations in Montenegro, there’s a few, but not many. Web searches show up a few results.

I’d welcome any advice or suggestions, on summits, and helpful approaches to activations, it’s been a long time since my last. (If you’ve got locations of the secret direct-to-peak buses, and bars, they’re also very welcome!)

If there are any activators or chasers in Montenegro active here, or if anyone will be activating in those 2 regions, I’d like to get in touch.

Thanks and 73s,


Best ask @SQ9MDN I guess,I’ve chased him 4 times last year from 4O.

73 Karlo

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I guess the best thing to do would be to contact Dragan, 4O4A, who is the association manager over there. I contacted him a few years ago at, and he responded promptly…
I did two activation in the country, but both of them in the JC (Južna Crna Gora = Southern Montenegro) region, which apparently is not where you intend to go.
Good luck and let me know if you decide to travel to Bosnia (Sarajevo region), too.


@9A3BKF thanks Karlo, I’ll send @SQ9MDN a DM for some advice.

@E77Z of course. I forgot to look for the info of the managers. :man_facepalming: I’ll email Dragan and see what he can advise also. Unfortunately we’ve not planned to travel to Bosnia…Yet. :wink: If we do I’ll let you know.

For anyone interested in hiking/activating in Montenegro, the hiking book publisher Cicerone has a nice book for routes: Mountains of Montenegro - 15 day walks & multi-day… | Cicerone Press. We’re using that as guidance until we can buy maps in Montenegro.

Thanks for the help.