Searching the end of summer on Monte Magnola I/AB-011

Today all the weather forecasts gave the beginning of the “real autumn” with rain and low temperatures starting from tomorrow Sunday 25 September and therefore with Luca Iz0Fyl we decided to go to the Apennines and take advantage of this last day of good weather to make a hike and activate a new mountain. Autumn started on September 21st but here in Rome the temperatures were still summer …
We chose I/AB-011 Mount Magnola 2220 meters high which is located in Abruzzo about an hour and a half drive from Rome. The climb was quite tiring because the path follows a series of horrendous ski slopes, very steep and full of stones. Fortunately, the second part of the trip was all on the ridge and we left the ski slopes to find ourselves in a real mountain environment of the Apennines.

After 2 hours we reached the summit where a cold wind was blowing which forced us to wear jackets, hats and gloves. The propagation conditions were not good but we managed to do about 14 qso each and I also connected two S2S from Croatia 9A with @9A6CW and @9A8RA

As we activated the mountain the weather conditions started to change, more and more wind and low clouds approaching and so we disassembled our Qrp stations (Elecraft Kx3 and RS-918) and went down to the valley. Fortunately it didn’t start raining and we managed to get dry. A beautiful day in the mountains, cold but with beautiful views and excellent qso.