SASQ Southeastern States Tallest Summits Event on May 11, 2024!

Southern Appalachian Summit QRPers (SASQ) is having their 3rd Annual Southeastern States Tallest Summits Event on May 11, 2024. Activators will simultaneously activate the tallest 8 summits in the Southeastern United States during the event. Anyone with an Amateur Radio License is welcome to participate.

Many of the summits are already covered (though we always welcome more participants on any summit) - but we still need activators for Kentucky, Virginia, and West Virginia! This is a prime time to get outside, network with other SOTA groups in the Southeast, have a ton of fun, and try/test out your gear.

Anyone wishing to participate can write directly at or contact us though our website at (email, Discord, etc). We hope you decide to come out and operate with us!

~73 de W4UYE


Cool stuff Jonathan. Will you be working mostly S2S 2M or will you be trying to reach out some? Although I won’t be able to join you all, I should be home that weekend so I wouldn’t mind chasing a bit; will you all be spotting yourself on SOTAreflector?

Thanks for replying! We are doing all bands and all modes over a 4 hour period. Just watch for our spots, as we will be reporting with regular updates/freq changes. We will also be including “SASQ” in the spot. Also, you can join our discord and watch for regular info there - the link is on our website,!

The list below is NOT comprehensive, as there are more volunteering as we get closer. I will try to update it with current information - but these are the SASQ calls you can add to your tracking method of choice.

Good luck!

I will definitely keep an eye out for you all on that weekend! Maybe I can participate on one of your upcoming adventures. By the way, I know the USGS says otherwise, but I would argue that Sassafras is not the tallest summit in SC since half of it is in NC AND you can drive a car up there! Check out our video from South Caolina’s real Mt. Everest - Pinnacle Mountain:

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