Saisie SOTA update

Dear friends
First, I wish you an Happy new year, with plenty of fun in SOTA.
I just put on line an update of Saisie SOTA (V10.0)
Remember, the program is useful for an activator who is coming back from a summit with his paper log. The keyboard entry is fast and it can import and export ADIF and CSV files (Database V2 format)
The update will be automatic for those already using the programme.
Newcomers, you will have to download and install the whole program from
Thanks to André F5UKL and Gérald F6HBI for their help in improving the program.

Best 73 to all
Alain F6ENO

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Hello Alain,
Thanks for this great program very usefull !!!
Happy new year !

Dear Alain,

Thank you very much for a most useful program. I have a small problem, which is that all the UK summits (and only the UK summits, I think) seem to have a locator of JJ00AA, coming from the Summits_REF.csv file. Is there a way to fix this please?

73, Simon, G4TJC

Hello Simon
Thanks for pointing out the bug
Now, you may run again Saisie SOTA; the program will download a new Summits_REF.csv file with correct grid locator.

The bug was coming from 2 fields named Gridref1 and Gridref2 (in the database summits file list) which are filled with Longitude and Latitude in most of country except for UK summits

May be Andy can explain what are these fields ?

Best 73
Alain F6ENO

There are 4 co-ordinate fields in the database. Gridref1 and Gridref2 are used for local co-ordinate systems where these are known. The next two fields contain Longitude and Latitude and these should be used by any software using an extract from the database. In the case of G, GM and GW Gridref1 contains the Ordnance Survey grid references and these are generally what people use in navigation. All the lines on GB maps are based on this system.

Thank you Alain.

Just running the program didn’t seem to get the update of the csv, so I took the full installer. That has it all Ok now.

Merci beaucoup, Simon.

My AV / Firewall software does not like the web site - it says it contains Malware.

Thanks for this info Jim
Best 73 Alain F6ENO

Yes Stewart
Some AV such as Avast says that there is some bad little beast in the program.
It seems that it is a “false positive”.
My softwares are tested with Windows Defender, Microsoft Security Essential and with Trend PC-Cillin. They do not detect any virus.
To download the program you have to stop your AV and don’t forget to put it on after

Best 73
Alain F6ENO

It’s not just accessing the ZIP file that causes the problem it’s accessing the whole of the SOTA-France web site (yes I can tell it to ignore it and let me access the site, but it seems to me that it must have blacklisted the whole site for some reason).

Hi Alain,

Thanks for your fine programm. I am using Saisie since mid of 2014 when I first noticed it here on the reflector.

I am still using Verison 9.2 and I am fine with it. Is there any change log to see if an upgrade would be worthwhile for me? I am very conservative with software and hate to upgrade a flawless running system

73 Heinz

Many thanks Alain for the update.

73 Angel

Hello Alain, thank you for your work and happy 2015!

I’ve just tested the new version, importing an ADIF file from my last activation. It has been exported from Log4OM with just standard fields and ADIF v3 format, and I have found this:

While Saise expects the worked SOTA reference (S2S, I mean) to be at field “HIS_SOTA_FIELD”, ADIF 3.0.4 uses “SOTA_REF” for this, and “MY_SOTA_REF” for the own summit code. (Info found at [ADIF 3.0.4 Specification][1] )

Being this field fixed, it cannot be changed (obviously). So, could the program be changed allowing this one to selected and modified, as the others up like SOTA ADIF TAG, WFF ADIF TAG and RIG ADIF TAG do? Or in other case, might it be changed to follow the ADIF standard?

73 and thank you again
Mikel EA2CW

Used “” as field delimiters because it seems to happen something weird. Using the “minor or bigger than” symbols, the strings inside disappear!
[1]: ADIF 3.0.4 Specification

Hello Heinz
The main change is an improvement for those who wish to send informations about their rig on the QSL card; so I added a field “MY_RIG” in the ADIF file.
Some bug corrected such as the backup Adif file which was not working well.

If the 9.2 version is OK for you, you may keep it.
Best 73 Alain F6ENO

Hello All, Happy New year and thanks Alain for improving your soft Saisie Sota.
May be for Mikel in the next upgrade it will be usefull to swap SOTA_REF instead of HIS_SOTA_REF.
So Saisie Sota will be complient with standard ADIF.
(i will just have to modify/delete a personal Item in DXkeeper for a correct import); easy to do!)
73 Gerald F6HBI

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Hello Gerald and Mikel
Merci pour tes voeux Gerald, une bonne année à toi et ta famille avec ton nouveau métier
 hi !

You are both right. So, the new version (V10.1) will be downloaded when you will start the program.
Now the S2S ADIF tag will be ‘SOTA_REF’ (you may choose another if your logging software does’nt know)

Best 73 !
Alain F6ENO

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That’s speed, Alain!
Thank you!

Will it be usefull that when one enter the SOTA_REF (in S2S box) the GRID_SQUARE box (son Locator) fill up by itself?
Serait-il utile de remplir automatiquement son Locator si S2S?

-Au lancement du programme, j’ai systĂ©matiquement “Mise Ă  jour des Sommets, wait”

mais rien ne se passe; alors je clique sur OK et je peux utiliser le soft.

La longueur du tag HIS_SOTA_REF ou SOTA_REF = 0
exemple "SOTA_REF:0>F/AM-001"

Hi GĂ©rald

  • S2S locator is OK now
  • “Updating summits database” this update is done each time the program starts
  • The bug on length of S2S field is fixed, thanks !

Automatic update as usual
Best 73
Alain F6ENO