Sad news about Peanut Goat

Dear All,

With substantial sadness i have to announce that one of the packgoats that firmly stood by Steve (WG0AT) on his SOTA adventures has passed away this morning. He was (at least for me) a very substantial member of the SOTA communitity and we will keep him in our thoughts and on our journey’s. Steve is saddened but oke and we wish him and his family strength and well during this time.

73/88 Peanut, hope the green pastures are soothing and painless.

For more infomation on Steve & friends you can lookup the goathiker channel on youtube: or Visit the Summits on the air Facebook pages.

73, Edwin


Sorry to hear about Peanut the goat passing away. I know that the goats meant a lot to Steve WG0AT and I fully understand that this will be very sad for him.

Jimmy M0HGY

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This is so sad. I loved watching Peanut’s wry commentary as y’all hiked up those great mountains. I know you and Steve will miss Peanut very much.
Scott kw4jm

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Sorry for Peanut, the goat and for you Steve, who will surely miss very much.
However, isn’t itprovidential that we’ve been having nice SOTA get togethers over the app called Peanut? imagen

Isn’t it a cool way to keep Peanut in our mind?

We’ll be looking forward to hearing you, Steve, sometime on this Peanut app.


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So sorry Steve. It has been fun watching you and Peanut on various summit videos.
The fabulous picture of you and Peanut on the 14er video will forever be in my head.
I look forward to your activations in the future. I am working on your reward.

73, Jack

I am still quite new to SOTA - not even 2 years - but I heard and read quite quickly about the ham going to the summits with a goat.

I watched the videos and showed them to my wife - who thought it was wonderful.

When such a companion dies, it is a really painful loss.

I wish you that the pain will go away soon and you can enjoy the good times with Peanut in your memory.

It was a special goat and the whole SOTA community remembers her with pleasure.

73 Armin

Peanut was a unique and iconic part of SOTA. Sorry to hear about Peanut, my condolences.

Jeff K6QCB

Sorry to hear about Peanut, Steve. The video of the two of you (and other goats) working SOTA, when I watched your showing of it at the Huntsville AL hamfest years ago, helped motivate me into starting SOTA. Thanks to both of you.