S52CU/P activation today

Hi all,
sri for spot confusion today on my activation of I/FV-319 and S5/TK-002. There was only marginal cellular coverage on the summit, so could not selfspot on time. To make things clear :
I was on I/FV-319 till 1020z,
on S5/TK-002 from 1027z to 1240z

Mni thanks to all chasers on both summits, and to Bojan S56LXN/P for s2s contacts from both referrences. Special thanks to John EA8/M1NNN/P for s2s contacts on 17m and 12m.

73, Mirko S52CU

In reply to S52CU:
Hello Mirko GE.
Many thanks for 2 summits today from S5&I.
Congratulations s2s with John EA8/M1NNN/p.
P.S.Today at 12m dir EA8 from SP-badly:((.
Vy 73!de Rob(ert) SP8RHP

In reply to S52CU:

Many thanks Mirko for FV-319 and sorry I missed you on TK-002.
Well done on the S2S x2 band with John 8)
Best wishes.
Mike G6TUH