RTTY Contest QRM

The World-Wide CQ RTTY Contest continues until midnight tonight, effectively swamping out 40m from 7.025 -7.065 MHZ with high power stations, making it just about impossible to hear SOTA activations.

Can I suggest that the activations alerted for 7.032 MHz today follow Klaus’s example and try calling about 10 KHz down (7.020 +/-). There is also an EA CW contest but at least you will have a chance of being heard outside the RTTY transmissions.

30m will be free of any contests.


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In reply to G4SSH:
good idea Roy! yesterday, it was the chaos with this contest, a poor day for the sota! for my side poor propagation, QRN and contest outside of bands!!
hope to hearth some sota station today!
73’s for all

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In reply to F5NEP:

It looks like another day of disorganised chaos, I just heard DL6WT/P and DL6UNF/P, but despite several attempts to make the contacts with them, I wasn’t being heard amongst the chronic QRM from RTTY and cw contests. I heard Frank suggest a qsy to 7.025, but never heard him again.

The obvious choice under such conditions has to be a QSY to 30m

73 Mike GW0DSP

P.S. First station to use 10.118, OE5EEP/5 was just worked with ease in a QRM free environment, we really need to consider this band more often.

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What a racket on hf with rtty stations just working where ever they want in the band so decided to turn the radio off and mow the lawn instead

a real poor day for the sota activators who are trying to make contact

so much for bandplans hi hi

In reply to MM3XGP:

What a racket on hf with rtty stations just working where ever they
want in the band so decided to turn the radio off and mow the lawn

a real poor day for the sota activators who are trying to make contact

so much for bandplans hi hi

I very nearly did the same myself Gordon, but I need the points so I played with the filters on the IC-7400, end result 100 chaser points and 9 uniques at the time of printing this.

73 Mike GW0DSP

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30m will be free of any contests.


Hi roy ,
thanks qso´s today . you wrote 30m free of contests, but also often free of chasers,hi.
in future i will be more qrv on 30m-cw and 80m-cw. mostly on 30m not so big signals as on 40m , but on 30m you can work signals with s3 - s1 due to the low qrm. on around 10118 you can work with the big plus of cw-mode and make qso´s only a few db´s over the groundnoise.on many on my activations i work HB9AGH there with abt. rst 339-319 ( maybe direct ? )
also a new regular band over the autum/winter months is 80m / 3558-cw for me with very good signals today on DM/BW-007. Many chasers called me there and it seems a very good band for my friends from HB9 :wink: . Also workes there sum G´s today . And all today with a output from 3 to 6 watts due to not ok trx. antenna today 2 times 26m doublet inv.V. 4m over ground.
also a new regular qrg is 40m SSB with many chasers there. thanks ssb guys for qso´s today.
and in the future contest times, try 30m ! and cw on >7100 with ssb and cw on same qrg. so i think we can do sota also in contest times :wink:

vy 73 Klaus DF2gn

now looking over my trx to find the fault in the output-filter/pa-stage :frowning:

/edit : after 30min , hi. trx seems ok at home antenna with 12 and 13,8v.
mmhhhh, murphy greets…lets have a look tmrw on antenna and tuner.

someone heard a little of HF on my ssb-mod ?? or was ssb-mod ok ?? maybe some problems with lower counterpoise on portable setup…

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In reply to DF2GN:

Hi Klaus,

in future i will be more qrv on 30m-cw and 80m-cw. mostly on 30m not
so big signals as on 40m , but on 30m you can work signals with s3 -
s1 due to the low qrm. on around 10118 you can work with the big plus

For QRP work the frequency is critical. Optimum depends on distance, azimuth, season, UTC and space weather. For inside country QSOs 80 m is probably best, for general European QSOs 40 - 30 m, and “DX” to Scandinavia/Portugal/Greek 20 - 17 m. I tried to estimate these with VOACAP, see for example


Antenna is less important unless you can make a really big one.

73, Jaakko OH7BF/F5VGL

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Not all RTTY is QRM! I hope to activate on RTTY this afternoon. See Alerts. I won’t be self-spotting as it is the CQWW contest.


Is this the record for thread necromancy on the SOTA reflector?


It must be high up there.

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SOTA has a long standing tradition of participants devising their own obscure and idiosyncratic targets - then striving to be the World Record Holder in that particular niche.


I guess it is more a practical matter - thread necromancy is quicker than the kerfuffle of starting a new thread!

Yes. And more interesting - to see what we were talking about a particular subject back in SOTA’s early days.

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17 QSOs on 10m RTTY. Good fun.

5B: 1
A6: 1
DL: 1
EX: 1
OE: 2
PY: 2
SV: 1
UA9: 1
W: 7

I’m going to try another session tomorrow (Sunday), but not sure what part of the day yet.


Nicely done, Tom.
I get a kick out of operating RTTY with my KX3. No computer interface, so I get to send the messages (and remember to send dididahdah to stop transmission) and read the exchanges off the screen.
Today’s activity netted WAC on 10. So conditions were pretty good, 5 W to half square.
AF - zones 33, 35, 38
AS - zone 25
EU - zones 14, 15
NA - zones 1, 3, 4, 5, 8
OC - zones 30, 31, 32
SA - zones 9, 11, 13
Looking forward to another S2S with you when conditions are right.
72, David N6AN


Hi Tom, a question- is anyone using psk31

Geoff vk3sq

Not in the CQWW RTTY contest Geoff, no!

I haven’t used PSK31 for years. Still use PSK63 in the RSGB Data Club Contests.

Will be QRV on 10m RTTY in about an hour. No self spots so chasers will have to find me - and I’ll be most pleased if any do.

NB: I’ll be using G5D - short contest call of Tall Trees Contest Group.

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Another 39 QSOs on 10m RTTY added this afternoon from The Cloud G/SP-015.

A7: 1
EA8: 1
G: 1
RA: 4
SV: 2
TA: 1
VE: 3
W: 26

Would have stayed longer but got fed up of the cold. I guess summer is over…