For any activators in the UK, (or further afield if we get some good sporadic E) the annual series of RSGB Christmas cumulative contests take place over the 26th, 27th, 28th & 29th December. These are short 2 hour sessions between 14:00 & 16:00utc each day.
This may be of interest to SOTA activators as the bands used are 6m, 4m, 2m, & 70cms, some of which can be very quiet at other times. Many of the stations taking part will be operating on more than one band, or even all four bands at once, & as the scoring is on a per QSO basis, stations will be more than happy to work you any of the other bands after you have made contact with them. For example, if you had a QSO with a contest station on 144MHz SSB, a second QSO with the same station on 432MHz SSB would count as a separate QSO for them & hence an extra point.
For the activator of course, it would not count as a separate QSO for SOTA purposes, but it would give them the opportunity to try other bands that they not normally use, or have tried & found to be very quiet.
Most activity seems to be on 144MHz SSB, although all modes are permitted & FM has been used quite successfully on the 4m band.
Of course, at this time of year you may not wish to carry extra equipment up a summit, but your chances of making contact on the normally quiet bands is drastically improved if you do make the effort.
And of course, you could always use the opportunity to give your VHF gear a good test before the VHF fun day on 3rd January
In any case I hope you all have a Merry Christmas & a very Happy & healthy 2010.
Mark G0VOF