I don’t want to upset anyone so please remove if it contravenes the rules.
Tomorrow I’m doing a POTA activation in Perthshire and then I’m going to Ardoch Roman fort to do a Romans on the Air (ROTA) activation. Essentially I’ll be calling CQ when I set up. I have a number of Roman camps and signal stations in the area and I like the idea of activating them with slightly more modern comms. It’ll be mid a’noon on 40, 20, 17m SSB dependent on band conditions.
That must have been dissapointing. I guess the problem is calling CQ using QRP when you cannot post a spot which people will see.
Are any of these forts in POTA or WWFF sites? If they are this might be the answer if you post on their websites. I activated on an obscure WWFF site in France earlier this year on 20m and had a reply from the USA.