Well done, did you find the 2nd 1k was faster than the first? I found that, i think my equipment and antenna has gradually improved, also I tend to devote more attention to choosing the right summits for increased points… just approaching 2.5k now and I expect the next week to clean up that point. Just leaving on the ferry to VK7 as i type this…
73 Andrew VK1DA/VK2DA
Thank you guys for all the nice comments and the many QSOs we had (often S2S). I’m particularly grateful for being part of this fantastic community! It’s always a pleasure to hear you on the air.
Looking at the timelines, the second goat did come much faster than the first one. Some reasons are obvious, such as the growing desire to spend more time outdoors and play radio, increasing experience and optimized equipment. Some are more subtle, like having fewer family or work commitments (the kids have grown up and you’ve been in the business long enough to know what’s really important).
Thanks to everyone, who joined me by radio on my trip on October 30th. A brief activation report will follow. With the great comradeship among the SOTeros and my passion for mountains and radio, there is a good chance that I’ll continue
Hallo Roman,
Herzliche Glückwünsche zum Erreichen der 2. Geis! Immer auch eine Gelegenheit zu danken für schöne Verbindungen, besonders für die von dir aktivierten besonderen Berge. Viel Erfolg auch weiterhin und hoffe auf viele weitere Verbindungen.
Beste 73’
Congratulations Roman, glad to read you’re enjoying and will keep hearing your nice and familiar call many more times. TU DL3TU !
Good luck and health, 73 Ignacio
Herzliche Gratulation zu deinem Meilenstein auch auf diesem Wege, das freut mich sehr. Vielen Dank für deinen vielfältigen Sota-Support und immer gute Wege beim Hobby und in der restlichen Zeit. Enjoy!