Roger G4OWG silent key

It is with great sadness, that I report that Roger G4OWG, SOTA,WOTA chaser/activator, Geocacher and all round great bloke passed away 15 August.

He was always one of the first in my log when I activated. We had some great QSO’s on GB3WF and I attended a Geocache meet with him not long ago. He will be sadly missed.

R.I.P Roger

Chris M0RSF

In reply to M0RSF:

Chris, that is very sad news.

R.I.P. Roger


In reply to M0RSF:

That’s a real shock. Very sorry to hear that.

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to M0RSF:

That is terrible news Chris and comes as a great shock to me personally and I suspect to many others too. I had not heard Roger for a while, but then the radio ‘path’ between us was at best marginal.

Very, very sad.
Mike G4BLH

In reply to M0RSF:

Very sad news indeed Chris.

I always heard him chasing on 2m and wondered why I hadn’t heard him for a couple of weeks.

R.I.P Roger

Mick M0MDA

In reply to M0RSF:

Very sad news. Although I only spoke to him a few times, Roger was
a great encouragment when I first started activating, and was first
in the log on my most recent summit just one month ago.

With my condolences to his family and friends,
John M0VCM

In reply to M0RSF:

Very sad news Chris. Roger will be missed.


In reply to M0RSF:

Oh dear. Very sad news. Used to think of Roger as my ‘home’ chaser
as he lived just a couple of miles from me, and while I never met him
face to face, his voice was instantly recognisable to me when out
on a summit.

My condolances to his friends and family.


Very sad news.

I worked Roger many times both on FM and on the key.

It’s a great loss for SOTA, I for one will greatly miss his friendly voice on my activations.

Dit Dit


Very sad news and so sorry to hear.
I first worked Roger in 2006 on a SOTA activation and had worked him many times since.
He quite often popped in to the WAB net also.
My condolences to the family.
Don G0RQL.

In reply to M0RSF:

Very sorry to hear such sad news, Chris.


In reply to M0RSF:
Sad news.
Roger will be missed



In reply to M0RSF:

Very sorry to hear this sad news. First contact with Roger was in 2011.

Mike G6TUH

Sorry to hear that Roger G4OWG is now silent key. I have worked Roger quite a few times on SOTA activations.

Jimmy M0HGY

What a great shock and sad piece of news. I know some have said they hadn’t heard Roger for a while but he called me on 24MHz CW on both activations when I did NP-028 and NP-029 about 3 weeks ago.

Roger was a regular in my logbook right back to April 2004, and he is sure to be much missed by the SOTA fraternity.



What sad news.

Distressing news Chris, so sorry to hear about Roger passing on. We last worked when I was on G/SE-008 on 40m CW on 13th August. Looking back in my log Roger’s been a prolific SOTA activator and chaser going back to at least 2005, his callsign will be missed.

Rest in peace…

In reply to G4OBK:
Roger was often in my log. We met up on LD-017. He was such nice guy. My photos of Roger activating LD-017 are at
So sad.

That news is a serious shock to the system.

Poor Roger and it seems without warning. I last worked him on 30-July-13 and we have had 144 QSO’s over the years, a quarter of which have been on Top Band. Plus a lot of nice chats on 2m about his QTH of Rawdon where I used to do a milk round as a youngster. I regard him not only as a SOTA friend but a fellow West Riding’er.

My thoughts and condolences go to his family; I don’t know but it just seems that it would have been unexpected which would make it a terrible loss to them. Roger’s passing will leave a big hole in day to day SOTA too. He certainly will be missed and by many.

Goodbye to a genuinely nice man.
John. G4YSS.

In reply to G4OBK:

Hi Phil,
Distressing news indeed,- looking at his HRD log displayed
on QRZ, you appear as the very last entry.

He will be sadly missed.
