Rod M0JLA 'Winter Mountain Goat'

It never ceases to amaze me at the way that the SOTA Database can be interrogated and used to come up with interesting facts and figures. I have it on good authority that Rod M0JLA achieved the status of ‘Winter Mountain Goat’ yesterday on Waun Fach GW/SW-002, a target that he had set himself to complete in 2023. Although only eight other activators have achieved this across the world it nevertheless shows a dedication to SOTA and endless days of freezing activations during Winter bonus on the top of mountains in the UK! Well done Rod but not forgetting Viki M6BWA who will probably hit a few of her own targets this year.

73 Allan GW4VPX


Well done Rod! That is a fantastic achievement which takes a lot of dedication. Thanks for all the contacts, and look forward to many more!

73, Matthew M0JSB

Congratulations @M0JLA Rod - I know what the winter wx is like in the UK, especially on the Welsh hills :rofl: this takes some serious dedication and effort! Well done on achieving one of your 2023 goals so early on in the year! It’s been a pleasure working you on quite a few summits as a chaser and also having the occasional S2S on your journey. As Allan mentioned, you have a great partner in crime to accompany you on most summits @M6BWA who looks after you well :slight_smile: and is also very close to hitting this goal too!

I look forward to speaking with you both in the future on your next adventures and meeting up in July at the GW SOTA event!

Take care and 73, GW4BML, Ben & family!

Congratulations Rod, that’s a lot of cold!


Many congratulations Rod.

RESPECT! Great achievement!


Congratulations on this Fantastic Achievement @M0JLA Rod!


The forecast on Tuesday was not good with cloud, drizzle and cold gusty wind but the lure of the 1000 points on Winter Bonus only, was enough to get M0JLA in the car (somewhat later than usual as the weather was supposed to improve after lunch) and head for Talgarth and our favourite path up GW/SW-00, Waun Fach the top of the nearby Black Montains on the Welsh Border…

The sun when parking was a surprise and the cloud was lifting as we changed but he set off in fine style as the path is very flat for a bit

but then the almost endless slope begins but with a very good path.

By this time the cloud had already gone, we were protected from the wind so many layers of clothing had to be removed and put in the bulging sack. Why does that feel heavier than wearing them?? 300m or so of ascent later we reached the end of the boggy spur and started towards the summit along a slightly boggy path with an an unexpected hazard (they are usually further away).

It didn’t take long to reach the winding path up to the small summit ‘cairn’

MW0JLA reaching his 334th winter bonus summit - GW/SW-002 Waun Fach, the top of the Black Mountains which are the skyline from our home city of Hereford. He hurried off the eroded ‘top’ and headed across the bogs (now wetter and gaining green moss thanks the building of small wooden dams amongst the peat hags to retard the movement of water down the hill causing scouring and gullies). Good for the environment and we have seen great changes up here over the 10+ years of visits.

He found a depression to get out of the cool breexe and set up his station and mast but had to wander around for a bit trying to check alerts (he, of course, likes s2s) and put up a spot but, eventually was settled and started his way through the pile-up on 40m.

Note the VX7R on his left tready to pick up any s2s at a quiet moment or chat to me (M6BWA) behind another hag a small distance away.

A very organised set up and a page which is rapidly filling with 29 on 40m and 9 on 15m (a new departure). Eventually the contacts dwindled and the cold seeped in so everythig was packed away and he joined me for a rather late lunch. However he is not averse to the odd s2s on 2m fm if it is easy, so he had started with (on a small whip) GW1KGW/P (Colin) on GW/NW-007 Aran Fawddwy and interrupted his lunch for a 2m contact,

using the VX-7R and telescopic RH-770, with MW0PJE/P (Peter) who was battling with the interference on GW/NW-043 Cyrn-y-Brain.

On the longish walk back the horses were further away and the cloud was engulfing the Brecon Beacons but luckily didn’t reach us until after reaching the car.

So MW0JLA is the second in All G to reach 1000+ Winter Bonus points (G4YSS is far ahead - many congratulations and much admiration) and probably the 9th in the World looking at the All G database. … but there is a problem. Is he now a Mountain Winter Goat or a Winter Mountain Goat? Please vote here: - MWG or WMG??
Viki M6BWA


My thanks to all for the congratulations and kind remarks and in particular to Allan, GW4VPX, not only for starting the thread but also for the very many contacts along the way with a variety of callsigns. Nice to get congratulations from Ian, G4WTF, who started off the Brecon Beacons activations nearly 21 years ago with both SW-001 and SW-002 - thanks to Ian also for lots of contacts during my activations. Don, G0RQL, deserves a thank-you also for the 722 contacts that we have had along the way - more than half of my activations.
Vicki, M6BWA/P AKA Viki, has been the prime mover in this achievement, so my thanks to her in spite of the recently posted series of photos :wink: She is not as far behind as a glance at the database might suggest so we will be doing a few more before 16th March - all being well. (Hampered a bit by having commitments in the lowlands for the whole of the first 2 weekends in March.)
The Winter Bonus MG was not intended to be this year’s target, so I am busy checking details for summits in the area between Forfar and Nairn (a LOT of summits) in the hope of reaching that target by Activating. (Chasing seems to be making very slow progress towards that target.) So that should keep us busy in May :smiley:
Hope to make contact again in the next few days.


Congratulations Rod. I have an admiration for everyone who has achieved MG status, but a Winter Mountain Goat, now that is a huge achievement.
That was a great write up from Viki and nice to see some photographs. I am really looking forward to meeting you both in the summer.

73 Kevin MW0KXN

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Hi Rod

Congratulations on achieving yet another milestone.

All the best

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Great achievement Rod. According to the database, I have only completed about 40% of the shivering you’ve done. :grinning:

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Which must make you about 60% more sensible :laughing:
We have had some really super winter days but the wind has been the real downside this year. I have still been getting really cold even sitting in a hole so only my head and shoulders are in the wind. (Or even completely out of the wind in a deep hole as on M Troed.) Noticing that about a quarter of my 4xMG is the WB, with the benefit of hindsight I would advise new activators to go for an enjoyable brisk walk in winter and accumulate their MG points in the summer - but then they will probably get wet :slightly_frowning_face:
Best wishes for your next expedition.


I am taking my own advice today and leaving M6BWA/P to her own activation while I go for a walk in the forest to get out of the wind (I hope). :smile:
The reduced weight (by leaving all the HF at home) will be nice. But I will have the HH so will gratefully accept any S2S that might appear while I am passing through the AZ.

Congrats, Rod!

Congratulations. For those of us who are taking years to become MG, becoming WMG/MWG seems an incredible achievement.

I’m curious as to why you are logging in an upside down notebook. Don’t the pages blow around?

Thanks for the congrats, Richard.
This is the result of experience - I sit with my back to the wind. :wink:


I sit down from the summit, with my back to the wind and with a tarp as shelter and I still need a rubber band to stop my notepad sheets blowing around.

Thanks both for today’s HH S2S from GW/NW-007 <> GW/MW-002 :+1:

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Congratulations Rod - very well done on both the 4xMG and Winter Mountain Goat!

Thank you for some enjoyable S2S contacts along the way, and also for being a keen chaser. Always a pleasure to speak to you… and I have never felt so welcome on a summit as the occasion when I arrived on GW/NW-043 and you handed me your VX-7 all ready for a S2S with Viki.

73, John M0VCM