Rockmite chaser

I just chased Tom M1EYP/P on WB-005 with a 300mW rockmite, I was calling cq on my lower “rock”, no joy there, so moved up to the higher one at 116.1 and there was Tom calling cq.

It’s all in the timing I suppose but that’s my lowest power chaser points so far.

Thanks for hearing me Tom, delighted!


In reply to MM0GYX:

Your post made me smile Ian!

Strangely enough, I’ve had my RM-30 on the bench today, the first time I tried it out on a SOTA activation a few months ago, stations were replying slightly off my QRG. Investigating whether or not I had a problem has been on the ‘to do’ list for quite a while! I took the time to measure the TX/RX shift this week and whilst the shift was useable, at around 600Hz, I fancied tweaking it up a little bit. I’ve just swapped out D5 for a 6V2, I hope it will give me nearer to 700Hz shift now.

Congratulations on your RM chase - I can’t think that it’s something that will have been done many times before!

I’ll possibly have the RM-30 on air tomorrow or Friday for some last minute winter bonus grabbing.

Colin, M0CGH

In reply to M0CGH:
Hi Colin,

Well this rm is the one I gathered bits for from various places and built ugly.

My tx-rx shift is 600 hz, which I prefer. I had to breadboard and play with various zeners to get the bias on the varicap correct as I used a different one.

I was surprised Tom heard me. I contacted laci ha5ma shortly after, but was up to 3 watts by then!

A rm30 x 2 contact would be good. What frequency do you have? I have 115.5 & 116.1.

73, Ian mm0gyx

In reply to MM0GYX:

Having measured the shift on my new RM30, I’m surprised,that the replying stations were so off frequency, maybe it might have been caused by my self spot and my guesstimate at the frequency. Rounding up by chasers might also have been a factor.

I’m not too sure about the frequency of the rig at the moment as I haven’t measured it since I’ve changed the zener. The rig uses a standard PCB but I populated it myself using parts out of my junk box. I had to use an MVAM109 for the varicap as MV1662s are hard to find.

I have two other RM type rigs on 30m both built ugly style, one is the LA1KHA pp3 challenge rig, ~100mW on 10.1156 MHz, the other puts out 2 watts at 10.116 MHz.

I guess the 2 watt rig would have the best chance of a QSO.

73, Colin

In reply to M0CGH:

Were the chasers way off Colin; maybe you were on the reverse side of the t/r offset without knowing, accidental button press?

I think I used the same varicap for my rm offset.


In reply to MM0GYX:

I’ve just been packing up my gear for tomorrow’s bonus bagging. The rigs making it into my bag are -

Altoids RockMite 40 ~ 500mW
Altoids RockMite 30 ~ 400mW
Altoids RockMite 20 ~ 300mW
KD1JV MTR 40/20 ~ 4.5W

The RockMite 30 is now showing a nominal 700Hz shift, with TX frequencies of around 10.1155 and 10.1148 MHz.

I hear what you are saying regarding an accidental button press, but some stations were on or near my frequency, so I don’t think that that happened in this case. I’m eager to give the rig a try tomorrow to see how it behaves.

The reverse beacon should give a more accurate picture of my TX frequency, the nearest that I was able to get using my FT817 and my ears was 10.11555MHz.

I must modify the sidetone next, it’s way too loud, I’m using the PicoKeyer RM chip so I can alter the pitch, but, it’s still a horrid sounding square wave. I think I may have a headache by the time I’ve finished tomorrow!

The MTR seems like such a luxury after operating a RockMite!

All good fun.

73, Colin

In reply to M0CGH:

Good stuff Colin, no hills for me tomorrow, the family are all with a bug so I’m holding the fort.

The audio filter mod works well, I used it for my rm30, sounds a whole lot more palatable now.

If I see you spot on 30m I’ll give you a call with the rm30, I can get down to 10.1155, not sure I’ll bust a pile up though.

Have a good day.


In reply to M0CGH:

Hi Colin,

No joy on 30m I’m afraid, I could see you were getting some good propagation, from rbn spots, and I was listening to the activity on the University of Twente web sdr.

Maybe it’s something for the future.


In reply to MM0GYX:

Fine business Ian, thanks for trying in any case.

The RM30 seems ok now, that can’t be said for my CW! I was amazed to work Bill W4ZV though! A little later I worked Barry N1EU on the RM20 at 300 mW!

Still hunting the DX, just connected up the MTR :slight_smile:

73, Colin

In reply to M0CGH:
Congrats !.. i really like that. gl with your RM !

Klaus, DF2GN

In reply to M0CGH:

cw sounds fine to me, well done on the dx. good hunting with the mtr.


In reply to M0CGH:

Solid copy on this side Colin! But I have a Beverage in your direction which helps a lot! I was running 100W to an inverted-V up about 18m.

73, Bill W4ZV

In reply to W4ZV:

Hi Bill,

I was pleasantly surprised to hear your call into my G/WB-003 activation yesterday. I wouldn’t have normally expected to hear anything from NA as early as 1039z, nor on the 30m band!

Even more surprising was working VE3BW at 0839z from GW/MW-013 - also on 30m. Running a lot more power than Colin though - 5 watts!

In reply to MM0GYX:

Ian - you were a genuine 599 with me. Mind you, the HB1B has a very good rx.


In reply to M1EYP:

30m is often open to EU from here. I finally tired of frustration trying to use my 160m vertical and made a set of traps on my 20m inverted-V. I’ve always been able to hear well with my Beverage but now I’m having better success with EU hearing me!

73, Bill W4ZV

Colin, you were easily 2 S-units above my high noise level this morning (power lines were acting up) on QSB peaks. Arm chair copy with a 2-el yagi!

Thanks & 73,
Barry N1EU

Just a quick reply to acknowledge the fact that I’ve read the comments.

Bill, just like Tom, I was not expecting to work stateside on 30m, certainly not with 400mW! I have you in my log at 0935utc - 0435 local? That’s chaser dedication!

Barry - You were very strong with me today, the strongest I’ve ever heard you. I really didn’t expect to work you at that time! I was using my original, unmodified RockMite 20, power is around 300mW.

I’m at my club meet tonight, so no chance to upload logs yet. I’m out again activating in the morning to pick up the last bit of winter bonus.

Thanks to all, I had a great day today!

73, Colin

In reply to M0CGH:

Bill, just like Tom, I was not expecting to work stateside on 30m, certainly not with 400mW! I have you in my log at 0935utc - 0435 local? That’s chaser dedication!

0935 UTC is 0535 local…we just went on Daylight Savings Time Sunday. I’m an early riser mainly to chase Pacific and Far East DX on 160m but I’m now keeping an eye out for SOTA spots. :slight_smile:

Always fun to work QRP DX stations…even on 160 occasionally.

73, Bill W4ZV

In reply to W4ZV:

That’s very interesting Bill. I didn’t bother with 21MHz in the mornings on my recent outing because I thought everyone on your side of the pond would not be in the shack before “elevenses” - coffee break time. Seems I made an error of judgment! :slight_smile:

Hopefully work you again next time out,

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to G4OIG:

Gerald 21 MHz is not very good until after our sunrise…now about 1130z…but 30m is open at 09z and 20m at 10z…sometimes. All of the QSOs in discussion here were on 30m around 1030z.

73, Bill W4ZV

In reply to W4ZV:

In reply to G4OIG:

Gerald 21 MHz is not very good until after our sunrise…now about
1130z…but 30m is open at 09z and 20m at 10z…sometimes. All of the
QSOs in discussion here were on 30m around 1030z.

Hi Bill,

Nice of you to work Dave G4ASA/P and myself yesterday on the 20m band at 1109z.

I also heard Rich, N4EX call Darius M0KCB/P on the 17m band just after Darius and myself, made a S2S at 1041z.

After a peek at Darius log, I see you worked him at 1004z on 10MHz PSK31.

73 Mike