The accusative troubles people to this day even in equivalent forms in English. Look at the widespread misuse of whom. And let’s not even mention “myself” the reflexive pronoun that is commonly used as if it was a superior and more sophisticated form of “I”.
I’ve got the full source saved safely but there’s no way I’m posting it on a site I like to use with the reputation that what3words attack dog lawyers have.
FourKingMaps is much better as it gives you a four word obscene sweary reference for a UK location. Much better than what3words. I’m not sure what the emergency services would think.
For example, and these are not too rude but most are not suitable even for drunk males on a stag night!
Houses of Commons: fannybaws.bum.brothel.addict
New Scotland Yard: whelp.manslut.pearlnecklace.femdom
DO NOT VISIT if you are easily offended or have no sense of humour. I haven’t given the full URL for this reason.