Reporting my first activation!

Hi all!

Last Sunday I activated my first SOTA. EA1/AV-045 was the choosen. The Saturday 21th I visited the Spain radio ham convention, IberRadio, at Avila city. So I decided to take advantage that I was in the zone and I searched a nearby summit for the next day, before comming to home.

I arrived onto the summit at 8:20h, after deploy the mast and the antenna tying the mast to the triangulation pillar (trig station of the spanish national geographic and mapping agency), I started on the air at 08:40h.

First I worked the 40m (freq. 7.159) band SSB mode, I made 55 QSOs, most of them ‘EA’ callsigns, 2 from ‘F’ and 1 from ‘CT’. Yes, I had my very first pile-up, I had moments of nervousness while managing the pile-up.

Then I changed to CW mode, I only can make 2 QSOs due to the very busy of the band with some contests.

At last, I worked the 20m (freq. 14.063) band CW mode, at this I can make 7 QSOs, all of them with other european countries.

I worked CW at 17 WPM, I had to ask for a repetition of some callsigns that I didn’t hear clearly. I need more training morse code. Maybe next time I carry headphones into the backpack, for listening better. This time I used a JBL speaker.

I couldn’t make any S2S but I’ve enjoyed a lot the activation. Really, I didn’t expect for that a lot of QSOs in SSB mode. Now, I want to plan the next activation, to choose the summit, the route,…

73 de EA4HZK, Salva!


Many thanks for the report, and congratulations on your first activation.

Hopefully the first of many!

73, Matthew M0JSB

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