Having a quick look through the reflector I can not find this exactly. I am interested in generating/recording a track in .gpx format using a standard Android application. I could buy a dedicated GPS receiver but I would be interested to know if such an application exists OR if anybody is doing this already with any success and what processes they are using ?
Hi Jonathan,
I am using an app by Atlogis running on a Samsung Galaxy SII. I live in Canada, and am able to access all the 1:50,000 topographic maps of Canada. I look at the area I will be visiting while I have Wifi access and so download all the map tiles surrounding it. I can then access them off-line without either wifi or a data-link.
I have had no problems recording my trips, downloading .gpx files to my home computer and then uploading them to the SOTA mapping project for peaks that do not have hiking trails to the summit.
I make sure my phone is in “flight mode” while I am hiking, as there is rarely phone access until on the summit. I have not had any problems with battery life, even in cold weather, using the phone gps for most of the day.
Orux Maps does this. You can download huge areas of mapping for free. The maps are SVG and the whole UK map which has both roads, tracks, cycle routes, 20m spaced contours, street names, buildings is only 900MB. The app allows you to record a track in gpx format using the inbuilt GPS.
I use ViewRanger. The Android app is one component of a multiplatform ecosystem whose main feature is a range of premium maps. However the basic app is free and can be used with free mapping derived from OpenStreetMap. These maps are online but can be cached for offline use.
It does track recording and much much more. The app does not directly produce GPX; rather you upload your tracks to the web site and then export from there.
Possibly not the best app if you only want to record tracks but well worth considering if you are interested in the other things it does.
I have loaded some of the applications this morning to try them out. Orux seems very impressive at first glance with the .gpx load / export options at the top.
I have also found out how temperamental the gyro compass is in this Galaxy SII, despite running numerous “calibration” software apps it still doesn’t point N without a slight tilt downwards. Not sure of the solution to this one yet.
I think its great how cheap some of the earlier smart phone hardware is now and yet still amazingly powerful.
I have a bunch of options for GPS’s and logging/export, however lately, I have just been using the Strava iPhone App (also available free on Android). Works great even without cell coverage. Instant upload to your free strava.com account. You can attach pictures as well to the track and they will show up geotagged on the map within strava. Gives you a elevation profile and speed. Easy to share and export as GPX (from the web version).
Example from last weekend’s SOTA: Strava Hike Activity Note that this is the public view. If you have an account you will see more info and the pictures will show up on the map.
I had it running > 4 hours on this summit and it didn’t even put a dent in the iPhone6 battery (no cell coverage the entire time). With cell coverage you will see yourself on the topo or satellite map.
On Android you can use OSMand. You can download the OSM maps (the Open Street Map project) for your country/region, and contour lines and hillshading, which means you can view the maps locally without being connected to the net (or using any of your data allowance). Osmand also has a GPX track recording function, so you can see where you have been, and some tools for uploading data to OSM, so you improve the map for everyone.