Really Nice Battery Solution for FT-817

Thank you. That makes a lot of sense now. I will try and work out how you worked out the voltages and current as part of my learning!

I did wonder how you measure the resistance when the resistor is in the circuit as there is probably more than one route for the current to flow. Reversing the probes was not a tip I was aware of until now.

I presume if I add another transistor that the existing one needs to be removed first? Having never worked with SMD before I fear I may cause more damage if I try to repair it - it is only the fast charge circuit that is u/s and the battery is still charging trough the trickle circuit.

I really appreciate the time you have taken to help me.


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Another thing to beware of is that the voltage display on the 817 needs to be calibrated so that it is telling the truth. It is not necessarily correct, not even on a new radio. There is an extended menu option to do that, use with caution as there are sensitive settings there. Eg drive power on various bands, s meter calibration, etc.

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