Real winter activation on Monte Orsello I/AB-312

Yesterday together with a friend I made a nice “winter” style activation Monte Orsello I/AB-312 in Abruzzo. The weather in Rome, my city was bad with rain but the forecast convinced us to move to the mountains where variable weather was expected. In fact we found good conditions, cold wind, moving clouds but no rain but only a small snowfall on the descent.

For the rest sun and a splendid mountain day. Only five qso made on the summit because the rush and the wind were too strong, but anyway the summit was activated. Sota is always a fantastic game!

Here are some photos of the day


Super perfomance Andrea.

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Nice pictures! … And TNX for the s2s

73 Armin

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Thanks to you !!

73 And HK

…well done Andrea and thanks for your report with terrific photos :clap:

cheers :beers:

Geoff vk3sq

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