RBN spots me, non-SOTA CW, no activation

Hi, I know about problems with RBN spotting and I have read all about using RBNN to stop the automatic spotting. I am a SOTA activator using SSB only, because my CW is not up to pile-ups, sadly. I did not post an alert for SOTA yesterday and just called CQDX a few times on 14.0215 from our club station here at Karlsruhe. A friend alerted me to the fact that I was spotted by RBN regardless. As I plan to do more CW in the future, could someone please tell me how to get out of the RBNhole/gate list?
Thanks, Alex - DH2ID


I see a number of spots of your callsign on RBN in the last two days, but none on SOTAWatch.

RBN, the “Reverse Beacon Network” uses a wide network of systems running CWSkimmer to do its best to spot everyone calling CQ (and a few other things) on the CW portions of the amateur bands, and I’m not aware of any easy way (apart from making your Morse unreadable by CWSkimmer, or by calling outside the CW portions of the bands) of avoiding that. It cares not one bit for anything SOTA-related. The SOTA application RBNhole uses RBN and SOTA Alerts together to put spots on SOTAWatch.

You weren’t spotted on SOTA - did you check that you were spotted on SOTA?

Thank you for your answer. I put my call into SotLas and RBN spots were shown for me.
Now they’re gone, hopefully.
Is there a list for om like me, who don’t want to be spotted by RBN?
If so, please put me on it :slight_smile:
73’s, Alex - DH2ID

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sotl.as shows RBN activity for your callsign even when you are not activating. They are called RBN spots but it’s just RBN data really. Not sure you can prevent from this data being visible on your page.


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Thank you, Romain. Then it’s ok and no need to change anything.
Vy 73, Alex - DH2ID