RBN Problems?

Yesterday my wife and I were on a summit that didn’t have good cell service (practically none) so we were having trouble getting spots out. I operated CW, figuring I would get picked up by the RBN, but wasn’t getting any contacts. Later at home I saw on SotaWatch that RBN wasn’t reporting any spots. I looked today and didn’t see any RBN spots either.

Anybody know if it is down?

Ron, KI4TN

RBNhole was down yesterday (May3rd) but you were heard by the RBN skimmers:


Andrew reset this morning so it should be working.

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Hi Ron, I got you on 7.029 at 18:06. you were 569 good signal!
But I saw Liz come up on ssb spot on 60 mtrs. Over one hour before I saw your spot,I got worried and thought maybe something happened!Then I said Maybe you stopped for lunch,You and Liz have a pattern and I usually know when you will be on ! Hi Hi. Glad to know it was only the RBN!!
Take care see you again 73 Gary . … .

Thanks, Andrew, for resetting. Just one of those things, no worries.

Gary, yes it was kind of frustrating yesterday, not so much about RBN Hole, but that I couldn’t get spots out for Liz. I tried Internet and text by phone and APRS by radio but nothing was working on that summit. Since Liz doesn’t do CW, I like to get spots out for her, but it wasn’t happening yesterday. One of those days!

73 from Ron, KI4TN

I checked earlier this morning and it picked up my cq on 40meters. I will say I’ve notice a lot of delay with RBN lately…73

Hello Ron. I used to rely on RBN to spot me because this confirmed to me that I was getting a signal out. And it almost always heard me. But RBN has not spotted me in my last dozen activations which has been mystifying. Is this your experience too?
Scott kw4jm

It’s was only broken for about a day so there is some other underlying reason. Were heard by the skimmers? Visit the reversebeacon.net website and see if you were heard by checking for your call. If not then that is the problem, you can’t be spotted if none of the skimmers are hearing you.

RBN skimmers are not hearing me – You are right. But I don’t know what’s changed. That’s the mystery. I still get lots of Qs on lots of bands, including Europe, and last week even New Zealand with <5 watts. If you have a suggestion I am open. I miss RBN especially on summits with no cell service. Thanks much.

RBN appears to be down again this morning…any information about this system?

RBN or RBNhole?

I could be mistaken but spots are being placed by RBNhole and have been for the last 24hours.

Plenty of data coming through RBN:

DX de HB9JCB-#: 10120.2 RP75ZS CW 10 dB 22 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de DL8TG-#: 3512.0 DL5YL CW 24 dB 28 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de UA4M-#: 10107.0 HA8LTQ CW 23 dB 23 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de GI4DOH-#: 7024.0 OZ1JHM CW 12 dB 40 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de DL9GTB-#: 5352.4 F2IL CW 15 dB 23 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de DL9GTB-#: 10107.0 HA8LTQ CW 15 dB 23 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de DL9GTB-#: 7024.0 OZ1JHM CW 8 dB 37 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de DL9GTB-#: 14004.6 EA8AF CW 11 dB 22 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de F6IIT-#: 10107.1 HA8LTQ CW 36 dB 24 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de OL7M-#: 7024.0 OZ1JHM CW 18 dB 37 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de RU9CZD-#: 10107.0 HA8LTQ CW 14 dB 23 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de RU9CZD-#: 7024.0 OZ1JHM CW 18 dB 40 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de EA5WU-#: 10107.0 HA8LTQ CW 17 dB 23 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de EA5WU-#: 14004.6 EA8AF CW 28 dB 22 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de DE1LON-#: 7024.0 OZ1JHM CW 9 dB 39 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de LZ4AE-#: 7023.2 G0GKH CW 14 dB 21 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de LZ7AA-#: 7024.0 OZ1JHM CW 15 dB 36 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de LZ7AA-#: 14004.5 EA8AF CW 3 dB 22 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de DL3DTH-#: 3579.4 DK1HW CW 12 dB 14 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de W1NT-2-#: 14025.9 LY2PX CW 9 dB 28 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de DL1RNN-#: 14004.70 EA8AF CW 4 dB 22 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de RN4WA-#: 7020.8 IQ9QV CW 6 dB 23 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de RK3TD-#: 7026.8 YO19STAY CW 23 dB 32 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de RK3TD-#: 7026.80 YO19STAY CW 53 dB 31 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de RK3TD-#: 7024.00 OZ1JHM CW 31 dB 38 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de RK3TD-#: 7024.0 OZ1JHM CW 29 dB 40 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de ES5PC-#: 7024.0 OZ1JHM CW 24 dB 40 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de DL1OD-#: 10106.9 HA8LTQ CW 6 dB 24 WPM CQ 1752Z
DX de HA5PP-3-#: 7024.0 OZ1JHM CW 38 dB 40 WPM CQ 1752Z

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Looks like it’s been working ok… look at all the spots posted Today by RBNHole on SOTAWatch.


I just cleared browser cache and RBN is back…thanks Josh…


The backup spotting agent is the first contact made. Pls spot me…

When working someone not already spotted, I will spot them. Most chasers will be happy to do that.

73 Andrew VK1DA/VK2UH

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Hi Scott,

I had this same issue not too long ago. Turned out it was my sloppy sending. I have my call programmed into 3 of my rigs. My KX2 and my MTR3b stopped being picked up by the skimmers. My MTR5b was still getting heard. Anyway, I fixed the problem by making sure my call was sent better.

Roland K7FOP

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I have been busy rebuilding our decks and haven’t been out as much as normal. But as a general rule the RBN network and RBN Hole have always worked well for me. Lately I have even been picked when on 60 meters so that indicates that there are skimmers reasonably close.

See you on the air.

Ron, KI4TN

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