Rare: SP/BI-012 Opolonek (11th November 2014)

On 11th of November Robert SQ8JMZ and myself SQ6GIT are planning to activate Opolonek 1028 m a.s.l.
This is quite rare, as it is in National Park outside marked routes, thus requires a permit, which is usually denied by NP authorities.

The summit has been activated already by Milosz SQ9PND and Jacek SQ9PND with 17 QSO’s. I think it might still be a desired summit for chasers, though.

Technically: I have no idea if it will be possible to send a spot - for sure Polish GSM is out of range there, perhaps Ukrainian network will allow to send via the SMS gate. Otherwise, we will try at 14.285 first, if available. We plan to use 7 & 14 MHz as primary ones. I estimate we should be ready to TX/RX ~12-13 UTC, but the estimation is pretty rough - we will be together with an organized tourist group.

Stay tuned!

By the way - if anyone available on that day would like to join us as an activator, please let me know, we can accommodate one-two souls…

Hereby I would like to thank all those who patiently chased this rare activation. Also apologies for a bit fast work - we had time limit of ~20 minutes, as we were assisted as a larger non-ham group by park officials and Border Guard (this is one of most watched border as Schengen/non-Schengen EU/non-EU border, permissions are quite rare, esp. combined with National Park unmarked paths requiring extra permits, practically marginal cases to obtain).

I was with Robert SQ6JMZ, who also activated the summit. That was great and I hope those who chased us were as much thrilled as us…