R9U/SO-017 new one SOTA

In the southern Urals, the mountains are low, but in most cases a small expedition is required to reach the desired summit. And often with offroad.
The ridge Shatak and before was the object of HAM - radio interest. On the Shatak plateau, about 1,200 meters above sea level, it is possible to drive on all-terrain vehicles and install the largest antennas. Make it is not so easy, but very interesting and memorable.
Our first expedition to Shatak was conducted in November 2009, when there was already snow in the mountains. A small team consisting of RA9WDX, RA9WPV, RV9WMZ and RX9WT made a lot of interesting QSOs, including 160m. On the Top-Band, for the first time (for us) a kite was successfully used to lift an antenna about 100m long …
After almost 10 years, I managed to again visit this beautiful and harsh place. True, without huge antennas and QRO - transmitters.
This quantity may have turned into quality))

First expedition, 2009. Sometimes it seems to me that it was almost yesterday…
73 de RX9WT