Quick Intro, new Ham and new to SOTA

Hi Everybody!

I‘m Matthias, DO7OX from Bavaria. I‘ve just gotten my license in May this year and am starting to explore this great hobby. Because I like to be outdoors and didn‘t want to put up a large Antenna at my home I only work portable. Both FM on 2m and 70cm and SSB on 10,15 and 80m.

As I am reasonably close to the alps (I have a very nice view of the mountains from my home QTH) SOTA was something I was interested in right from the start. So yesterday I finally made time for my very first attempt.
With minimal equipment, just a 2m/70cm HT with a Signal Stick Antenna and a notebook, I climbed one of the smaller mountains (some might call them foothills) close by, the Schwarzenberg, DL/MF-090.

I was a bit doubtful if I would be able to get enough contacts with my HT but it turned out just fine! Along with nice weather - not too hot - I managed to get five QSOs that were very friendly and most of them with excellent quality, almost no noise at all! The furthest contact was around 80km.

So in short: I had a great time and am really happy how it worked out!

I hope to do it again soon and look forward to hearing some of you on the air.

Matthias , DO7OX


Welcome to ham radio and SOTA in particular, Matthias!
Pleased to read about your 1st successfull activation.
We all will be ready and pleased to chase you whenever you want to be on air.



Willkommen bei SOTA, lieber Matthias! Viel Spaß beim Wandern und Funken.
Wenn du Hilfe bei SOTA oder den Gipfeln brauchst, kannst du mich gerne kontaktieren.
Welcome to SOTA, dear Matthias! Have fun hiking and playing with the radio.
If you need help with SOTA or the summits, feel free to contact me.

VY 73
Martin DF3MC

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Thank you very much for the welcome; vielen Dank für das freundliche Willkommen!

What I forgot to mention in my first post: great resources here at sota.org.uk! I got all the relevant information very quickly and posted my alert as well as self-spotted me without a problem. Thank you very much for making that so easy and in a very friendly way!

73, Matthias DO7OX

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Welcome Matthias in ham radio word and in SOTA group!
Well done for your first activation and good luck for the next ones!!

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Hello Matthias, congrats on your amateur radio licence and your first successful SOTA activation!

There is another helpful tool online that you should check:


Hope to hear you soon from a summit, hopefully a S2S-contact!

73 Martin, OE5REO


Welcome Matthias !
I wish you a lot of fun with SOTA.
73 QRO

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Hi Matthias,
congratulations to your first activation.

In case you might need some help, I can also offer support. Just send an E-Mail.

And: Be careful not to become an addict.

73 de Robert, DL4ROB


Hallo Matthias,

auch von mir ein Willkommen und wünsche jede Menge erfolgreiche SOTA Touren!

vy 73 de Marcel DM3FAM


Congratulations to your first activation, Matthias!
Enjoy the radio and SOTA!
73 de Rumen / LZ2AF

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