QRPTTF/SOTA results & photos

Scoring results of QRPTTF/SOTA summary sheets received as of 4 May have been updated on the website.

Includes many photos and some videos of the QRPTTF trail and field stations, and some nice photos of some of the SOTA summits activated.

The top 3 scorers so far are Bill W4ZV, Barry N1EU and the gang at NSØAT (Steve WGØAT and others) … all SOTA stations. SOTA added 25-30% to most TTF scores, and gave SOTA plenty of chasers to work for a fun day for all.

Thanks to all who participated and submitted logs or photos. I’ll update the website as new summary sheets are received.

72, Paul NA5N

In reply to NA5N:

Thanks for the results Paul. BTW, my name is Tom, not “Richard” as you have listed in the SSB results. It is correct in the CW results.

I see that Richard G3CWI does not appear in the results, yet.


In reply to M1EYP:

Its really a good idea. It may bring new chasers and activators to SOTA in NA.

Very good job. Thanks Paul.

PS. Paul, VE2TLH is not in Ont, its in Qc. No need to change it on the score table. :slight_smile:

1 Like

In reply to NA5N:
Thanks for all your efforts Paul - a very successful event with good activity!

Barry N1EU

In reply to M1EYP:

I see that Richard G3CWI does not appear in the results, yet.

I am not entering so I will not be appearing. My activation was purely altruistic.

73 Richard G3CWI

Never in doubt :wink:

Another S2S with Bill W4ZV yesterday - GW/NW-070 to W4C/WP-012.

Out of interest Bill, why was it W4ZV/P yesterday? I think you are normally just W4ZV from a summit.


Paul! You missed my photos!
SOTA | Flickr


In reply to M1EYP:

Another S2S with Bill W4ZV yesterday - GW/NW-070 to W4C/WP-012.

I was able to set up much earlier yesterday (first QSO at 1130z) and made 36% (7 of 19 total unique S2Ss) with Europe. There was much more activity in the QRPTTF than yesterday’s International SOTA Day (or whatver it is called). However I only made 21% (7 of 33 total unique S2Ss) with Europe. I believe this demonstrates that moving the QRPTTF window earlier to 1200-0000z would be a win-win for both EU and NA activators.

Out of interest Bill, why was it W4ZV/P yesterday? I think you are
normally just W4ZV from a summit.

I believe self-spots via SMS add the /P even if you only enter your basic call into the DroidSpotNA app. However I do occasionally send “/P” or “S2S” when trying to break a pileup.

QRPTTF was a great success IMHO and thanks to Paul NA5N for the excellent job of administration and promotion. We all won because of his efforts!

73, Bill W4ZV

Yes, I copied the /P from call, not from SOTAwatch! In order to match your activator log, should I enter it as W4ZV or W4ZV/P? I heard you send both versions.

I agree that 1200-0000 would be beneficial overall - it would mean an early morning for Elliot and co though! I also agree that moving QRPTTF back a week and merging it with ISW will be positive.

The results are interesting. I entered a score of 4365 on CW and 189 on SSB. And yet I finished 8th in the CW section, but 1st in the SSB. Just goes to show you what the most useful mode for QRP portable is, and how keenly contested that section was!


In reply to M1EYP:

Yes, I copied the /P from your reply to my CQ call, not from
SOTAwatch! In order to match your activator log, should I enter it as
W4ZV or W4ZV/P? I heard you send both versions.

As I said sometimes I will send /P if I want to alert someone that I’m on a summit…but normally I would use W4ZV. I’ll enter it in the log as W4ZV but thought the software was indifferent as to whether you included /P or not…but maybe that’s the RBN app KU6J wrote. Anyway, “You’re in the log!” and thanks for the calls. Believe it or not I called near your PSK spot frequency on CW a few times hoping you might hear me but then thankfully you answered my CQ.

Just goes to show you what the most useful mode for QRP portable is

PSK is in the same category as SSB IMHO. Having made a few S2Ss on SSB I don’t see how people do it…it’s SOOOOO much easier to copy weak signals on CW.

73, Bill W4ZV

In reply to M1EYP:
Your name, and a couple of other errors noted, have been corrected.

Tnx es 73,
Paul NA5N

In reply to NA5N:
Paul I just want to correct the record …our club call sign was “nS0TA” and the crew was Frank/K0JQZ and myself. Joining us later was Dave/NK0E who operate separately in QRPTTF but shared our campsite. I might add he had a ‘very close encounter’ with SOTA when we indoctrinated him with his first chaser pile up! Hah!
Dave’s close encounter with SOTA: Summit to Summit QSO - Klaus DF2GN with Steve/wG0AT (S2S) - YouTube
Great stuff Paul! Looking forward to next year’s QRPTTF/SOTA and maybe an early start to score more EU S2Ss!!
Thanks, Steve/wGOAT