QRPTTF (QRP To The Field) contact

Does anyone have the contact info for the organisers of QRPTTF?
the webpage at www.zianet.com / qrp / qrpttf/pg.html is still the 2024 version so I wanted to check that the event is on this year and that the rules have not changed.
I sent a note to Paul NA5N using his email address on qrz.com on the 22nd of December. The email did not “bounce” with an “unable to deliver” message, but so far, I have had no reply.
Perhaps he uses a different email address now or maybe someone on this reflector may have a better person to contact.

I will be on 5B (Cyprus) while QRPTTF is on and alomg with some SOTA activations, I could take part in QRPTTF.

73 Ed DD5LP.