QRP plus - can anybody help?

Not exactly SOTA-related, but I planned to take my QRP plus (which has been my number one HF rig for more than 10 years) to the mountains some day. Unfortunately, this is not possible now because the rig developed a fault. It is locked in transmitting mode, and the display only shows nonsensical fragments of characters. The usual remedies of removing or replacing the battery which keeps the memory going, and resetting the rig, do not work. It happened suddenly when I tried calling a station, a few moments after another QSO.

I know that this is a fairly old rig, and a non-standard one on top of it, but maybe somebody out there knows somebody who knows something about it and can help? Is there any chance at all to get it repaired? Or should I look for a replacement?

73, Jan-Martin

In reply to DL2LFH:

The G-QRP reflector or the QRP-L mailing lists might be the best places to ask.

73 Richard G3CWI