I love my QMX
I updated to firmware 27 the other day and there are loads of new features which is great.
I didn’t take notice of what the settings were prior to updating, so I need to enter set those up.
To save time, if any other QMX user could share their settings for Audio and AGC that I could uses as a baseline it’d be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Roy
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The best chance of getting an answer is in the QRPLabs user forum of groups.io
Perhaps you already know it and have an account.
QRPLabs@groups.io | Topics
73 gl, Heinz
Hi Roy.
This would be a good starting point. @M0TKF
| Parameter | Value |
| AGC | ON |
| Threshold S | 7 |
| Slope dB per dB | 60 |
| Noise filter | 5 |
| Hang time | 30 |
| Smooth samples | 50 |
| Recovery dB/s | 50 |
| Sample blocks | 2 |
| S9 sounds like S | 9 |
| AGC display | ON |
| AGC dB per bar | 6 |
CW filter 300Hz @ 650hz
Auto- offset/tone = yes
CW offset = 650
Sidetone Freq = 650
Volume step = 2db
Avd Atten = 0db
Mute at min vol = yes
Sidetone volume = 50
Sidetone Abs/rel= absolute
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