QMX now available for 60-15m

Hi Hans,

I could not believe that this was already 20 years ago! I thought 10 years maybe. But you are right, I checked the time stamps on the screen shots.

By the way I just finished a QMX 20-10m version and will take it to the mountains the coming week-end.

73 Heinz


Hi all,

Here a new toy (not really) interesting portable TRX for a nice price (Itā€™s just me) :+1:
Hans @G0UPL make another effort :wink:



I know SSB ready but waiting :slightly_smiling_face:

73, Eric


I want to be the first to activate 11m CW for a summit :rofl: :rofl:


I wonder if CW is a legal operating mode on the CB-Band. In any case it might be a long time of callingā€¦ :rofl:

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I just pulled the trigger on this mid band version, which suits my activating style better. My old 80-20m version (fully functional) will be on Ebay soon. This will be a nice rainy day project for summer.
73 de OE6FEG


I just finished my QMX and the firmware is alive. But Iā€™m too stupid to change the band.

Any help?

73 Chris

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I found the simple way to change the band: Double click
on left encoder.

73 Chris


Took my new finished QMX 60-15m out for its first activation yesterday. Iā€™m very pleased with the improvements to rev 4, I now get 6w out on a 11.3v supply. CW keying is much better with no return thump. First contact in the log was W4GO on 15m. :grin:
What I did notice is the slow build-up of a low level but very high-pitched whine that culminates in a pop/crash audio disturbance, like the sound of a worn out volume control on a hi-fi. This only occurred on 15m, 30m was fine and I did not have a suitable antenna with which to test the other bands. I did some further testing at home this morning. Into a dummy load, the problem does not occur, even with the keyline coiled over the coax. I saw this as good news, as it means the problem can probably be dealt with by adding a ferrite to the keyline. This leads me to wonder if there is some increased sensitivity to stray RF on the keyline (or other line) on the higher bands? Has anyone else experienced this? I think it is definitely a quirk of using the Fuchskreis, which can produce a lot of stray capacitance and is lousy as a current balun.
73 de OE6FEG


I broke the mic on my latest build, so Iā€™ll probably need a new controls board when SSB comes out.:person_facepalming:
Still, as a mostly CW activator itā€™s not a massive loss.
73 de Matt


It shouldnā€™t be too difficult to replace the microphone with an identical one.

What surprises me is the assignment of the paddle/mic input for microphones with PTT. The following is common, for example with the Elecraft KX2: tip = mic and ring = ppt. With the QMX it is the other way around. 73 Chris


Unfortunately, in my case, the wire broke off in the hole and I wasnā€™t able to melt right through with my soldering iron. I will try again with a bigger tip, but Iā€™m not too sure at the moment. Maybe Iā€™ll just use an external mic, which seems to be the easier option and is preferable for operation anyway.
73 de OE6FEG


73 Chris