QCX Mini Part 3

Hi richard, @N1RBD

If “organized” were the criterion, we would have to forbid WARC bands for DX-peditions, Special Event stations, or any Award scheme like SOTA, etc … since these all require some “organizing”. Let’s not fill this thread with a useless discussion, it has all been discussed before, see:

A QSO Party is clearly not a contest.

Times slots : I understand, but whatever timeslot we take, someone will say it doesn’t suit them. You can of course call CQ and enjoy a nice QSO any time of day …

BTW (since this thread is about the QCX Mini)… congrats on taking your QCX Mini on an activation and working ZL2IFB from W4G/NG-006 , great job !
(And I know how great it feels, I worked ZL on one of my last activations with a QCX Mini, see my post in Part 2).
