Pyhätunturi, OH/KI-042


I gave at least 2 chasers an incorrect summit reference today, the correct reference is in the topic title (OH/KI-042) and apologies for the error. Although sunny the summit temperature was minus 20 centigrade and the snow was waist deep. So I feel like I did earn my 2 points today!

In reply to MM6YCJ:

You were about 5/1 at best in Lanzarote but there was no way of breaking your pileup with my 2.5w.
Have fun.

In reply to MM6YCJ:

Sorry I missed you ( and Steve G1INK) today. Went down to the town and then took Bertie the greyhound for a walk. -20C - you did earn your points indeed Col.

Night night
Mike G6TUH

In reply to G1INK:

You were about 5/1 at best in Lanzarote

Interesting difference in the signals on 12 metres today; from Lanzarote the signal was steady, but from Finland it was interestingly wobbly. I’m guessing there might have been some aurora messing with the signal from Finland?

Thank you both for your activations. – 73, Rick M0LEP