Puy de la Poche F/MC-016 & Puy du Bac F/MC-53 acti

Firstly, many thanks to all the chasers today. There was a lot of qsb and depressed conditions today. Specially to DJ9MH and G4SSH who spotted us today, … having screwed up the alert times with the time difference in France.

F/MC-016 in the morning. 40&30m
WX: vy cloudy, cold-ish 11C and 10Kph wind. 1509m ASL. 200m vertical ascent. 4.5km round trip. Nice walk through the forest. The ridge provided shelter from the wind. It was a quick one as it seemed it was going to rain.
The conditions seemed very depressed this morning, a few 339,…
HB1B + mountain tuner & multiband EFHW set as inverted V on a 7m pole along the ridge N-S.

F/MC-053 in the afternoon unplanned. 30 & 20m
The SMS spot service worked fb, thanks to Andy MM0FMF for setting it up on Monday.
WX: sunny, 18C, breezy. 1200m ASL. 200m ascent , 5.1k round trip
Massive qsb, signals appeared and disappeared quickly. Longest shots on 20m, CU & UA6. 3000+ km
I used a branch of a tall pine at ~10m to lift the 20m of multiband efhw as inverted L.

31 QSOs, 9 on 40m, 15 on 30m & 7 on 20, 12 DXCCs
2 S2S. M0IML/P & G3RDQ/P in G/SE
Brilliant walks and some nice photo shots.

Vy 73s de Angel M0HDF & Eva M0HJV

Ps. more activations in EA5 land in 3 days.