PSK on Android tablet gotten easier

For info. Android 5 (Lollipop), which came out recently provides full support for external USB sound cards. So now you can connect for example a Signalink interface directly to an Android tablet which runs an app like e.g. DroidPSK. Here an example on my Nexus 7.
A very simple configuration for portable BPSK communication and it simply works fabulous.

Best 73, 44
Wil, PA3Q


It is estimated that it may take a few months for the android phone makers to distribute Lollipop so PSK advocates may have to wait a bit before they can benefit. It is really the Nexus owners who are getting this first along with some of the bugs. My Nexus requires me to disconnect from my own hub and reconnect or wifi won’t work while my Nexus 5 has no problem but it will not back out of some apps via the back button.