Pro Whip Antennas

Ladies and Gents,

a local friend of mine has just recently purchased from the Leicester Rally this year a 10m long Pro Whip Antenna

the website address is:

he has used it in his garden with great success and tells me it works from 160m right through to 6m with no problems and tells me that it also works on 2m and 70cm

has anyone used one at home/on a summit and would you reccomend it for sota use?

im very tempted to purchase one

Matt, M3WDS

In reply to M3WDS:

…Or you could save yourself a bag full of money by making one yourself.

Most of us will have a fishing pole we can use so the most expensive thing is the T-200-2 Toroid which I found on eBay for under £4 from Spratreader (

Quote: he has used it in his garden with great success and tells me it works from 160m right through to 6m with no problems and tells me that it also works on 2m and 70cm

A wet piece of string works, just not as an efficient antenna. Don’t be fooled it may be a very suitable antenna for restricted SOTA summits and those with a postage stamp for a back garden but it is a compromise and no replacement for getting metal in the air. As for using it on 2/70 I would sing you a little song…

Seventy Five pound is a reasonable price,
That’s what the salesman will say.
That’s the way the money goes,
Pop goes the PA.

Up and down the City road,
Trying to get a signal,
That’s the way the money goes,
Pop goes the PA.

Every night when I go out
The monkey’s are on the repeater.
Take some stick and tell them to knock it off
Pop goes the PA.

Twenty quid for a soldering iron
A fiver for some solder,
That’s the way the money goes,
Pop goes the PA.

All around the radio club bench
the M3s watched the teacher;
The G3s thought ’twas all in fun,
Pop goes the PA.

Regards Steve GW7AAV

In reply to M3WDS:


I have one of the antennas that you are talking about and I think it does a reasonable job. However, due to its size and weight, I would not recommend it for use on SOTA, there are far easier antenna designs to use. A simple dipole will more than likely give you similar or better results and is far lighter/easier to carry. The ProWhipAntenna does work on all the bands mentioned but requires a tuner for most of them and this should be something you factor into the equation. If you don’t want to carry a tuner with you, consider making a Linked Dipole, the plans for which are available in the SOTA Flickr album.

Although my participation in SOTA is very limited (not many hills in Cambridgeshire!!), all of my operating is done /p as my home QTH suffers from ridiculous amounts of noise on HF. In my antenna selection I have narrowed it down to just 3 items. 1) An SG-211 portable HF ATU 2) a 10m ProWhipAntenna (vertical) 3) a Norcal Doublet (a basic 88ft dipole).

I hope all that information helps, but generally, it is all down to personal choice and what you are willing to carry!

Good luck and have fun.


edited for poor spelling

In reply to M3WDS:
Not sure on the weight of these, the linked dipole seems very popular and there was a hybrid linked/fan by Caroline but not sure where the link to the details are.

Another possibilty is monoband antennas be inverted V dipoles or verticals, like checking the weather you check the band conditions before you go and work the band thats best for your needs with appropriate antenna in ruck sack.

If your mainly an SSB operator like myself you need to realise that the contacts are going to be fewer and far between with QRP on HF. Thats not to say it dont work, you have to be extra smart in how you go about to get results.
I have worked into the states with my FT817 with anything from a 57 - 59 reports only to realise later that the SLAB had dropped voltage and it was done on 2.5w and not 5w like i thought!

I would look at resonant antennas and have a go at homebrewing yourself as stated before it will save a lot of money and there is the buzz you get from making your own. Sean M0GIA