I tested a homebrew Vertical moxon for 21 MHz last Saturday,during the activation of EA2/NV-121, together with EA2BSB and EA2DT, to take the chance of the Sota International weekend.
This antenna is a 2 element collapsed yagi. I decided to use a Beam this time to try working some DX. The version I prepared is lightweight, supported by fishpoles. It is a monoband antenna.
I was concerned with the trial as I saw a decrease of propagation in the last days, but we were lucky to see a recovery of conditions last saturday!
The antenna worked FB, installed fixed beaming west; both qso and S2S with NA. Here you can see some pictures of the activation:
We convinced EA2DT, the avid chaser to try activating with us, he enjoyed much!
Thanks EA2BSB Santi for capturing this nice moment with your camera.
If you are interested on this antenna you will find plenty of information available. It is one of the easiest antenna project you can build and it is a real performer.
I guess what DF2GN could do with this on his high trees!! ;o)
Dimensions can be calculated acurately with the free Moxgen program,available for download on the web.
A pity the version for 20 & 40m is too big for my rucksack, hi hi.
VY 73 es CU soon
Ignacio EA2BD
Ps: the antena performs best when installed horizontal, but it makes much more complex for portable!
In reply to EA2BD:
Hi Ignacio,
well build. Good job on your antenna. think you had much fun to try and used the antenna on the summit. i used a 12m moxxon sometimes last year, at the time i was active in the 12m challenge. this year i had only a few qso´s on that band.
i had build the same antenna, but with the feedpoint at the bottom…
but i don´d use it anymore, because it is no antenna for high trees
i try´d it out and there are many problems with set up and turn in the right direction at more height. so i stay at high antennas but only omnidirectional.
because at much height, also dipoles or halfwave verticals are good dx antennas. the other reason is, that in this times sota is more and more international ;-), so i want work all chasers around. i´m not only going out for dx, there are many chasers in europe around.
the only thing i dream about is a 40m band moxxon with two horizontal fishing poles on a easy summit…but first next project is my new “fuchskreis” halfwave tuner for qro. then i build a elecraft K1. the only one i don´t build yet to get the elecraft line complete hope on good wx at monday to make first tests on the bands after two weeks full of work maybe also a night activation on dm/bw-228 again to work some chasers from NA on the 40m and 80m band again…a lot of fun. don´t know why, but i like the low bands
so, thanks for the usefull photos and nice report. good job on your antenna build. a lot of fun !
vy 73 Klaus DF2GN/p
over the summer months i don´t do so much top band operation. this year i will enjoy sporadic e on the 10m band !
In reply to DF2GN:
Hello Klaus,
thanks for you feedback. Yes, you don’t really need to change your system at all, you are having such great results so far!
Agree on your comments, normally I also run omni antennas, but it’s funny to run sometimes experiments like this and see you can reach what you planned.
Look forward to hear about the results of your qro tuner and new K1. Good luck and work you soon. A pity I don’t have high tree summits here, hi hi…
Take care, gruesse es 73
Ignacio EA2BD
In reply to EA2BD:
Dear Ignacio,
I have finally had the chance to see your pictures at flickr. Very nice ones.
It was cool to see my callsign on your log.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Best 73 & GD DX,
Guru - EA2IF
In reply to EA2BD:
Thank you for sharing your photos. I have 3 moxons I use for 6m, 2m and 70cm for VHF contests and SOTA with very good results. I have had in the back of my mind to make some for portable HF work but have not done it yet. Perhaps your photos and results will give me more motivation to make some.